Chapter 15!

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Hey, Its me!!

I haven't uploaded for a while:/ So TRIED to make it longer...

I had fun writing this chapter, It gets a bit weird at the end, tell me if you don't understand:D




GIVE ME A F-A-N, Hm,,doesn't really have the same ring to it.


Chapter 15.


Justin's POV

I wasn't alone.

I ran for Ellie's bedside cabinet, Where she keeps her torch, And other things that might come in handy if we were robbed, In the middle of the night.

Who even prepares for something like that?!

I found the treasure.

I flicked the switch on the torch.

I flinched as it illuminated a face, straight in front of me- In my face even.

The torch was illumintaing all its features.

Green eyes.

Black, reaaaally bushy eyebrows, like caterpillars, no!, CATS on his face!

His long eyelashes casted a shadow on his face.

"Euurgh, yuuuck!"I gasped in a really high voice, Eurgh, he was ugly as shrek!

Shreks not ugly!

Yes he is, He is an ogre!

Your so ogre-ist.

That not a word dumb ass!

I shock my head at my internal voice.

I quickly turned the torch off and fell to my knees, hoping he wouldn't see, It seemed to have worked, as he reached forward and fell onto the bed.

I crawled out, hoping to get to the kitchen.

As I got to the stairs, I saw ugly the figure coming out the bedroom.

Thank God Ellie isn't here. She would have freaked.

When I put my hand on the top step, still crawling, I tripped and rolled to the bottom of the stairs. bouncing of each step with an 'oomph'

That really hurt!

I carried on to forced teddy bear/ninja roll to the kitchen, to find something to protect myself.

Once there, I put my hand on the counter, attempting to find something useful.

I grabbed the first I could find.

I put my hand on something cold.

I tried to guess what it was.

A spoon? A knife? A sword? No that just silly, its...

I picked it up.

I looked at it.

A can of fly spray?!

I heard footsteps on the stairs, so I fell to the floor to protect myself further, I rolled/crawled to the dustbin can grabbed the metal lid, to use a shield.

I stood up straight, and my knee clicked.

I let out a wail of pain.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!!"I wailed in pain, again.

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