Chapter 14

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Heey, me again:D

This one took me ages to write!

I hope you enjoy it!

I am not in a rambly grumbly mood today, so here's the drill.

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Chapter 14.


He looked at me with many emotions on his face.

I clamped a hand over my mouth.

"I just said that outloud didn't I...?" I mumbled, with my hand covering my big mouth.

He nodded, not breaking eye contact.

"I did this to make up for what I did. I thought this is the least i owed you."

I was shocked.

I am such a fool, why would he ever want to take me on a date, I am just me! And he is so hot. We are only going to be best friends. Never more.

Justin snapped his fingers in my face. "Were you even just listening?"He asked softly.

"I-You-Me-Whaaaat?"I stuttered, stupidly.

"I take that as a no?"He said, but it was more like a question, but he continued, as i nodded. "I was telling you what happened..."

I looked out towards the lake, breaking eye contact.

He reached up and touched my face. He cupped his hands over my cheeks, making me look at him. I looked into his eyes, as he looked deep into my mind, as if trying to control me with his blue eyes.

"I want to tell you."He said determindly.

I nodded slowly. In some kind of daze.

"My dad. He called me, when we were walking to town when we first arrived, he was the one who called me, but then hung up. He called me again when you were in the kitchen, and I went to my room.."He trailed off, looking away into the horizon. He sharply looked back, into my eyes again. "He said he was going to come and talk to me. He said he wanted to meet up." He half shouted, knuckles white, eyes wide, and angry. "He said he was going to get you, if I didn't go and tell him. But i couldn't put you in any danger..."He looked away again, Tears welling up in his eyes. I just sat there and blinked at him. "So i left, i packed what i needed and left, Left to go and leave you alone, out of any danger, i caused."

I was shocked.

I just sat there frozen.

"Ellie.." Justin looked back at me, his eyes gleaming with sadness, and pain. His fists were unclenched and he put his face in his palms. "Don't be mad."

"I'm not mad. Just shocked."I looked away, clenching my jaw. It has been proven that when you have a lump in your throat and you are about cry, and it stops you. But it obviously doesn't work, becuase a tear just rolled down my cheek.

That traitor!

I rubbed it off, and hoped that Justin didn't see it.

But he did, as when the next traitours tear came down, he wiped it off. I was so upset i didn't take note of the feeling it gave me.

"Ellie, I am so sorry. I know I should have just told you-"

"We could have sorted it, you didn't have to run, and leave me to follow, which ended up with me in hospital by the way!"I half shouted.

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