Chapter 11! Ima baack:DD

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I am back, and have decided, i am going to edit as i go, but i need a hand...

I am writing a new story called Love School, and well you see, i want to write a prologue, but i can't so i want you to write one, and i will pick the best and eventuallly post it, the best will get a dedication:D xx

Please help:D xx




Please i love it when i come on and i have votes and fans:D xx


Chapter 11:D

Ellie's POV


Shocks of pain flew up my arms.

Breathing became harder and harder.

I focused on opening my eyes.

I pushed my eyes open, to see darkness.

My eyes were still closed.

I heard the door open in the distance.

Footsteps made there way to were ever i am.

"Thanks" A familiar voice mumbled.

"Welcome." Another familier one replied.

I felt specks of dizziness flutter around while i used all of my strength to open my eyes.

"How is she doing?" A voice came.

"She has just been-" The voice stopped.


My hand was grabbed, the hands were warm and comforting.

"Ellie..?" A voice spoke. "Please wake up. You can't leave me here! You know Spain..I..I...I am a Spain virgin!!"

I laughed.

I smiled.

"David!!!!!!!!!!!" The voice screamed. "She's smiling!"

There was silence.

"David?.." I felt the body next to me shift. "Aw, He's sleeping!"

"Ellie, If you can here me. I need to tell you something..."

'What?' I shouted in my head as if he could hear me.

"I know you can't reply, 'cos, you know, your in a coma..." The voice said, he either smiled or grimaced. I knew it was a he by the tone of the voice. "Anyway, Last night..your..your...your...heart stopped. I was so messed up, i ended falling asleep in the waiting room. I woke up and spoke to the receptionist, she said you had moved rooms, and i went to your room, and met David here, It was very awkward in here, so i asked if he wanted coffee, he did, so i went...I got some and i felt someone staring at me, i was...was...was....was....was...."The voice drifted of.

Sobs entered the room. "Him."

"Him?" My voice croaked out. It was strained and it hurt. My eyes were still plastered to my face.

"ELLIE?" The unidentifiable yet so familer voice screamed.

"Can i have some drugs?" I asked, to cure the un-dying pain rushed all over me.


A second later the nurse came in.

"Hello? Whats is the problem?" She asked in a bored tone.

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