Chapter 6:D

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So i accomplished the unaccomplishable...I uploaded. :D

But..Gee, second day back...5 pieces of homework..i only have three lessons a day! So thats only one lesson i didn't get homework for! How unfair!

Anyway, this one's not much longer because of the point above^^ LOL

Enjoy:) x




Eat a biscuit.





I ran.

I ran for my life.

He was gone.

The rock's and pebbles bashed my bare feet.

I felt cuts and brusies already.

I needed to find him.

Where ever he went.

I am going to find him and sort this mess out.

Whoever did this, is going to pay.

Big time.

The sand from the beach spraying up towards my eyes.

I blinked hard.

More tears came out.

I am a mess.

I need him.

He needs me.

I need to find him.

He needs to be found.

I wish he would have cme to me before running.

He was gone.

I ran and ran until it got dark. The sun was setting across the beach, it was going to be impossible to find him.

 I wasn't going home until i found him. My feet pounded onto the rock hard, hot floor as fast as possible.

Soon i realised how long i had been running. Since i woke early this mring till now. About 7'o'clock.

Fresh, hot tears rolled down my cheeks. They burned their way until they landed on my shoulder.

All the memories flooded back. Of the tough times.

With the thought of him not being here.

It killed me.


A tear rolled down dad's cheek.

He never cried.

The only time i have ever seen him cry was when he told me mum had died.

"Dad?" My eyes widened at the tear. What was happening?

"Sit down, pet."He said in his serious tone. He only used that tone when he is deadly serious, and needs me to just be good. Usually because what he is about to say was very hard for him to tell me.

"O-o-okay.."I whispered. Panic running through my veins.

"I have some bad news..."Dad said as he drifted of what he was saying as if he didin't know what to say. As if, he was hurt.

I nodded slowly. My head spinning with ideas of whats happening.

"Its about Aunty Kath..." He drifted of once more. I gasped

A tear came. But this time it was from my eyes.

"What happened?" I squecked out. More and more tears spilling unintentionally. I cannot belive this.

"She's in hospital." He said fresh tears filling his eyes. No. He's lying. She can't. I can't. She said she will never leave me!

"No." I screamed as tears streamed down my face. "Its not true!"

Dad looked hurt.

"I am sorry dad. I can't lose her! She is too much like mum. I can't lose her to." I said in a whisper. I can't. More and more tears fell down my cheeks. I can't lose her. Kath, I love her. She is my best friend. She is my mother figure. She is everything.

I can't lose her.

I can't.

Dad pulled me into a hug. "We can go and see her if it makes you feel better."

My eyes widened. Is he joking?

"Dad. I can't. I don't even want to see her. I-i-i-i Can't." I struggled out.

"i understand." He said softly stroking my hair.

We just sat there for a long time just crying together.


I carried on running in the darkness, I have to find him.

I suddenly bashed straight into a hard figure. I felt a crack in my arm as i landed

"Ooomph." A voice groaned. "Whose that?"

"Sorry, i am sorry." Fresh tears running down. As i tried to get up but failed. More tearss run down my face, some landed on the mysterious person.

"Its okay I didn't hurt me but...are you okay? Are you hurt? Your crying!" A voice called out again, as a hand shot out to help me up. I quickly took it and looked away.

I nodded. "Yes I am fine, I need to go, Thank you for helping me up."I said.

I turned to leave and starting running again.

I got quite some distance away from where i fell, and i relived all the memories of what happened and the note.

Fresh tears rolled don my cheeks again.

Thats when i gave up.

I just collapsed in a heap on the sandy floor.

And cried.

I cried for Mum.

I cried for Dad.

I cried for Kath.

I cried for Justin.

I wished my life was simple again.

I let out a loud sob.

I just sat there listening to the waves.

The gentle whoosh of the crashing white horses on the shore.

I wished my life was simple.

I wished i never came here.

I wished Justin was sitting by me.

"Justin. Please come back. We will work this out!" I screamed into the sea, as i stood up and ran to the shore line. I whispered to myself as more and more tears fell. "Please?"

I felt movement behind me.

It smelled like the person i fell on earlier.

Suddenly my arm was grabbed and i was spun round.

To my suprise there was a pair grey eyes staring right into mine.

As if he knew me.

"Ellie?" The voice called out once more.

My heart skipped a beat as I saw a face appear infront of me.


Oooh...Who do you think it is? x

Cliffhangerr Alerrt:D

Exersise...So you can eat more chocolate;D


Lurrve y'all

Emma x



P.s the song of the chapter is..P!nk~Don't let me get me

The vid is brilliant! x

The beachTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang