Raspy Hill Era

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Original image of Emma Rogue in the music video above.

I blink. I sit up. My arms are connected with tubes. Each have blood running through it. Have I been captured by Wilfred? Caught by Pewdarkpie? Under hospital maintenance with Mark? I sure hope it's one of those. I miss being at war. I miss shooting guns. I miss never knowing what's going to happen next. I miss Jack. I miss Toby's braveness. I miss Google.

I rip the tubes off of me and pull of the breathing mask from my lips. Flowers sit on the end table next to me. I peck the card from the edge and read it.

I miss you. Please feel better soon! Love- Mom

Not a surprise, of course. I'm glad she's okay at least. I set the card down. Right next to the flowers is a a brown journal. I reach over and pick it up. I search through the pages. Each piece of paper, each chapter, all of it. It's all of what happened. Every single event that happened to me is written in detail in this journal. I couldn't have possibly written this. I don't have that much writing skill. The vocabulary is so fluent. It explains the feelings of all of my friends. Google was truly worried about me the whole time. Google...

Tears soak into my eyes. I stand up and walk to the window, jerking it open. I throw the journal out the window. My breathing pace is heavy. It can't be true. All of it, written in that flimsy journal? Now that I think about it, it's the same journal I noticed in the dream I had, possibly the dream I had inside a dream, when Google had to search through my fear in order to get a antidote for a power only Wilfred wielded, Sinitite. Who had written that journal? Is that the reason why it all came true? It couldn't be. No, I don't believe it.

Why am I in a hospital? Was I asleep the whole time? Was it truly all a dream?

I run for the bathroom and look at the mirror. I'm pale. I'm usually pale, but I look even more depressing. My hair is still cut. But if it was all a dream, why isn't it long? My eyes are narrow. They look bloodshot. My arms feel weaker then usual. I turn the light off and shut the door.

Later that night, I had gotten home. My mother is cooking. I trudge to my closet and open the door. Sadly, no guts of Joey are seen. I wonder if Abby is ok. I look around my floor. I peek under my bed. No open Google IRL box.

I walk to the bathroom and look inside. No bottles of soap are knocked down. No sponge used. Every since that night I remember Google begging me to wash him. I fell in with him, but he lifted me up and looked at me with eyes I wish I looked at more often.

I search my closet. I gasp.

Amanda's hoodie. It's here! How? Wasn't it all a dream? I see a sticky note attached to it. With yellow paper and a black marker it says; "Meet me at the same alleyway you found the Google IRL."

I quickly slip the hoodie on, flicking the sticky note off. Is this a miracle? Am I dreaming again?

The hoodie is so comfy. I smell it. The scent of Google rises. The scent of blood. The scent of perfume. Not a good mixture, but the memories make me gleam. I reach inside. No remote. Only a golden pistol.

I hold it out and my eyes widen. The gun is a shiny gold with a rather fitting handle. This must have been Wilfred's gun!

"Mom!" I call, "I'm going out!"

"Not too late, dear!" she calls back.

I hop on my bike in the garage. I stop. I don't want to drive it. I want Google to drive it. I want him to race it across town, faster then a bee. My foot loosens on the pedal. I shake my head.

I ride across the city, driving past pedestrians. I never thought I'd be driving back to the alley way. Who is this person who left the sticky note?

By the brick wall, across the cafe. That's where I stop. The sunset is dipping down in the sky. I take a deep, chilled breath. I lean my bike against the wall. I'm almost too nervous to walk in the alley. Why should I be nervous? I want to see Google again. And my friends. All those youtubers who died to save me.

I begin walking into the shadows. I don't see anything quite well. Only my hand in front of my eyes, making past what seems like fog. That's when I see it! Tears well up in my eyes.

The Google IRL box, sitting there.

I run right for it. I slide on my knees and instantly hug it to my chest. My sweet, annoying Google. He's back. I can't believe he's back!

I set it in front of me. I'm still not sure how to open it. I'm not frustrated at all to find out.

Before I know it, he shoots up from the box like it's a portal, knocking me back. I look up at him with red, teary eyes.


He only stares down at me in silence, waiting expectantly.

I stand up and look into his eyes.

"Do you remember me?"

"Do you still think I'm a pervert?" he asks.

I leap into his arms and laugh weakly with tears logged in my throat.

"Of course. You'll always be a pervert."

Ever since that day, I was never sure who brought him back. I was never sure who had written in that journal. In fact, I'm not sure if it's still a dream. All I know is that if another Google IRL apocalypse rises, I'll know what to do.

(Extra ending)

Just wanted to say, I'm sorry for slow updates, I really am. I'm sure lots of writers update slowly. I'm just really glad that I could write my first fanfiction and entertain you guys. I only announced there would be extras once, so congrats if you kept this book in your library! I will continue on writing interesting adventures that can be weird or cringe-worthy for you guys :3


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