Chapter 9: Not my Problem

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Mark and I walked back to my house. Before I entered to see if it was clear, I could hear the stove going off. My mom must be cooking. About time I had something to eat.

"Mom?", I called out receiving a faint smile.

"Where were you so early?"

"I just went for a stroll...with my boyfriend", I blurted out.

Why did I just call him my boyfriend?

"Oh", my mom paused,"I didn't know you had a boyfriend"

"I'll love to introduce you", I smiled nervously.

This was the only way I could get Mark upstairs. My mom was cooking so she wasn't planning on walking in the living room like she always does.

I walk to the garage door to open it and introduce them.

"Mark, this is my mom", I whispered.

"Nice to meet you", he stuck his hand out to shake hands with my mom. Good, he's acting normal..

"Why, hello there. He seems older than you, Emma"

"Mom, I'll be 19 soon", I whined.

"Yes, that's right. You should sign up for college soon", she smiled as she went back to her cooking.

"Mark and I are going up to my room", I said as we both walked upstairs.

"Don't do anything unnecessary", my mom muttered out loud; her smiles fading away.

I blushed extremely hard as we entered my room again.
That's when I got a text from my phone.

That was Abby on the phone! She's such an amazing friend of mine. We met during high school last year when we had gym class.
We were both so tired at practice we nearly fainted.

Abby: Hi Emma! It's been awhile

Me: Totally! What have u been up to?

I'm going to laugh if she asks me he same thing.

Abby: I met up with a guy at Comic con a couple days ago and now we've been seeing each other!

Me: That's great! I'm so happy for you!

Abby: Also, I was wondering if you'd like to go out to eat. A double date possibly...?

Does that mean I'd have to go with Mark. I actually don't have a problem with that.

Me: Yeah, totally! What time, what day?

She gives the instructions and I close my phone.

"Okay, Mark?"


"Wanna go on a date?", I smile.

"I was not programmed wih the capability to wanna go on a date?-"

"Not my problem", I smile even more.

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