Chapter 5: Get a hold of Yourself

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Threatening a store clerk, buying bikinis, taking a shower in your clothes?
Get a hold of Yourself!

"He needs to suffer", Mark growled at the store clerk

"Oh, is that your boyfriend? I wouldn't have known", the clerk laughed nervously.

I was going to say that he wasn't my boyfriend, that was until Mark stepped in.

"Yes, that's okay. Let's go girlfriend", he says as tugging me outside.
Oh my god, was I embarrassed.

"Okay, we're going to get you some clothes. I'm driving now, got it?"

Mark nods and sits in the front again; setting his foot on the pedal.

Ugh, never mind.

We ride across the street and through the pedestrians until we arrive at last.

I pull the bike behind the building and lock it again.

I can see Mark has already been exploring the place.
I catch up to him; I freeze in my footsteps to see what he was doing.

Mark was picking out panties in the women's section.

He pulled one off the hanger and held it out for me to see; a grin his face.

"Don't you even think about it", I growl but before I knew it, he was running up to the cash register with a whole boatload of panties and bikinis.

I shrug and pick out some shirts for him. It doesn't bother me much; there's no way he'd be able to buy them.

I pull out a red and black shirt, a blue one, and some other one's to last him a couple of days.

I didn't get him any pants since I don't know his pants size; and I don't plan on trying to find out any time soon.

I buy the items with the rest of my 20 dollars and walk out the door; Mark following me.

We both get on the bike and head back home like we always do.

While Mark waits, I pull the bike in my garage and sneak through the door to see if the coast is clear.

Whew, it's clear.
Right when I'm about to turn around, a light startled me.

"Do you want to explain why it took so long for you to get home?", my mom asked; arms folded.

"I dunno", I blurted out. I wish I could slap myself right now..

My mom gives me a hard look,"We'll discuss this tomorrow".

"Kay", I answered, waiting for my mom to finally go away.

Before I knew it, Mark and I were already up in my room.

I sniffed the air,....Something smells..bad. Is that me?

That's when I realized that the horrible stench was from Mark.

"Mark, you need a shower, bad", I complain.

I lead him to my bathroom right next to my closet; AKA, the crime scene.

"Okay, you know how to take a shower, right?"

"I was not programmed for taking a shower", he states.

"Just take a bath then", I sigh and walk back to my couch to finish off Friday the 13th.
I can hear the water running which is a relief.
Hopefully he can handle water speaking of which he's a robot.
I'm pretty sure one of the posters said that he's waterproof.

A loud, hard knocking finds my ear from the bathroom.
Ugh, he can't even take a simple bath?

I walk in while closing my eyes just incase.
"I need assistance", Mark whines; a whimpering look on his face and his clothes remained on.

"I am not washing you", I cowl.

"Please", he begs.

Am I really going to wash a robot?

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
I know I did, hehe

Would you wash him??

Comment below if you would!

And as always,
I'll see you...
In the chapter,

Bi Bi!

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