55...Sooner Than Later

Start from the beginning

"Dad and Lisa Marie are engaged?" Rylee mumbles.

She pulls out her phone and dials his number as she leaves the room.

"I can't believe it. You know what? I'm not even gonna waste my time being mad at him. I divorced him and it's gonna stay that way. If he wants to be with Lisa, he can be with Lisa." I say.

The nurses bring Hope and Christian back in the room and put them both in my arms. I burst into tears as soon as I see them because Christian looks EXACTLY like Michael and Hope has some of his features too.

"Can I hold Hope?" Jedell asks and I nod.

She takes Hope from my arms and cradles her in her own. I watch Jedell as a big smile spreads across her face. I can tell she already loves being a big sister.

"Hey Hope. How ya doin, little one?" She coos at her in a baby voice.

I giggle at her and I can't help but smile.

I look down at Christian and kiss his forehead.

"I'm sorry that your father isn't here. It's my fault and I'm so sorry. I'm sure he'd love you though. You're a beautiful boy just like him. I love you so much, Christian. Always remember that." I whisper to my new boy.

He coos at me and reaches his hand up to touch my nose.

I laugh a little because he's so cute.

Tommy comes over and hands me a tissue for my tears that are streaming down my face and he takes Christian in his arms.

"Hey little dude. Wazzup?" He chuckles and Christian just looks at him and giggles.

I wipe my tears as I see pictures of Michael and Lisa Marie holding hands, hugging, smiling together, and kissing appear on the Tv screen. I sigh and let the tears roll down my face.

Haley comes over and rubs my back as I cry more.

"Can you turn it off?" I ask and she nods.

She turns off the Tv and sets the remote on the stand.

Suddenly, Michael comes through the door with Rylee behind him.

"Hey Michael. What are you doing here?" I ask nervously.

"I came to see how you're doing." He says.


"I tried calling him but he didn't have his phone with him anymore." Rylee says and I nod.

"So, you have two more children, huh?" Michael chuckles and I nod.


"Can I see them and hold them? You know how much I love children." He giggles.

"Sure." I nod, nervously.

Jedell passes Hope to him and he smiles down at her as she coos at him in his arms.

"Aww, she's so cute! What's her name?" He asks.

"Hope Haley Smith." I say and he smiles.

"Pretty. Hey, Hope. Welcome to the world, little cutie pie." He coos and she giggles.

"Do you wanna see Christian?" Tommy asks and Michael nods, passing Hope back to Jedell.

Michael takes Christian from Tommy and smiles down at him.

"Hey Christian! What's his full name?" He asks, looking from Christian to me with a big smile on his face.

"Christian Jaden-Michael Smith." I mumble quietly.

"Uh, I didn't hear you. Could you say it again?" He asks.

~Michael's POV~
"His name is Christian Jaden-Michael Smith." Jada repeats and my eyes widen.

I can't believe she put my name in his middle name! I never thought she'd do that.

I really wish I was the father of Hope and Christian. They're so cute and loveable and I really wanna be a dad again. Lisa doesn't wanna have any kids but I do.

"So, I heard you're engaged." Jada says and I freeze.

"Uh, yeah. I am. How'd you find out?" I ask.

"The tv." She says.

"Oh." I nod and look down at Christian who has fallen asleep in my arms.

I look at his facial features and I can actually see a little bit of me in there. I mean, he has my nose, my chin, my eyebrows, my lips, actually he looks exactly like me. Now I'm doubting that Jada told me the truth about them "not being mine".

If I calculate the dates based on when she gave birth to them, which was today, it goes back to around the same time as that last time Jada and I made love in the treehouse. But the thing is, why would Jada lie to me about that? She would tell me if I got her pregnant! She wouldn't not tell me that I have more children. Would she?

~Jedell's POV~
I watch as Dad studies Christian's face and I can tell that he's wondering if the newborns are his. I can see it in his eyes and in his facial expressions.

He was so surprised when he found out that Mom named part of Christian's middle name after him.

I hope that he's calm and doesn't react badly when he finds out that Christian and Hope ARE in fact his. Everyone keeps saying he'll never find out but I KNOW that he eventually will. Sooner than later.

A/N: I know, I know. Lisa Marie and Michael got married in 1994. But I'm gonna make them get married in 1992 instead. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the update.❤️ Much L.O.V.E.😘

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