4...Hanging Out And Having Fun

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~Michael's POV~
"Thank you so much, Michael! That was so sweet of you to stand up for me like that!" She swoons.

"Oh, it's no problem! I couldn't stand him going on about you like that. So, judging by the conversation between you two, he's an ex that cheated on you?" I say awkwardly.

"Yeah. He is. Taylor stole him from me. That's why I hate her so much. She always steals the guys who I have crushes on when they like me back! She's been like that ever since grade 7!" She sighs.

"So, Jada. As I was saying before everyone was cutting in," I chuckle. "I was wondering if you'd like to be mine?"

"Didn't that kiss answer that?" She smirks.

"Oh. Uh-I guess so." I laugh.

"It was really sweet, what you said about me to Jordan," she smiles as she take my hand. "The way you said Jordan is, that's EXACTLY how he is. Just like you said, he only wants girls for one thing. I'm really glad that you're not that way and that you like me for me and not my ladyparts."

I chuckle and she smiles again.

"So, would you like to come over to my place to hangout tonight or?"

"Yes! Of course!" She says excitedly as the bell rings for classes to start again.

"Well, we should get back to classes. What do you have next?" I ask.

"I have music. What about you?"

"Same! You wanna sit together?"

"Of course, Michael." She says as we start walking out of the cafeteria into the hallway.

"Wait! I forgot something!" She says and stops.

"What is it?" I ask confused, since she didn't have anything with her.

"This." She whispers then presses her lips against mine.

Her lips are so soft and tasty. They taste like cinnamon.

"Ahem!" Someone clears their throat and we jump apart.

"So, I guess you finally got the chance to ask her." Charlie smirks as him and Nicki walk over to us holding hands.

"Yeah, sorta. I see you asked her out too?" I chuckle.

"So, Jada? How did he ask?" Nicki squeals.

"Well, he stood up for me to Jordan."

"Oh my god! That dickhead was bothering you again?! Ima beat his ass up 'til he can't move!" Nicki screams.

"No, no. He did bother me but Michael handled it. And he said some sweet things to Jordan about me. Then afterwards, I kissed Michael and he asked me out! I'm so happy now!" Jada smiles and winks at me as I blush.

"Aww, what was it that he said about you?" Nicki asked being her nosy self.

~Jada's POV~
"He said that, unlike Jordan, he likes me for me and not just for my lady parts. And that I'm an amazing, beautiful person inside and out!" I tell Nicki.

"Awwww! That's sooo sweet!" Nicki says while playfully pushing Michael.

"Thanks, Nicki." Michael smiles.

"Well, J, we should be getting to music before Mrs.B. gets mad at us." Nicki says while she pulls me by my arm.

"Okay, okay. No need to pull me!" I chuckle. "Come on, Michael."

"Coming, babe! You comin' Char?" He smiles.

"Yeah, yeah." Charlie laughs as we split up into couples.

-After school.

The bell just rang and it's time to leave.

"You're coming to my house, right Jada?" Michael smiles as we meet up with each other at my locker.

"Yes, of course! I already texted my parents to tell them I'll be coming home late. They said I can come home at midnight if I want to!" I laugh.

"Ok," he chuckles. "Let's go."

We walk to his house and he unlocks the door before we walk in.

"MICHAAAAEEEELLLL!!" A little girl screams as she runs into Michael's arms.

"Hey, Dunk! How was school?" He asks her.

"It was fun! I made lotsa new friends and we made these bracelets!" She jumps around excitedly.

"Speaking of new friends, this is Jada! Jada, this is my little sister, Janet. She's 7 and a half years old."

"Hi Janet! It's nice to meet you!" I shake her hand and she gives me a hug.

"Are you my brother's girlfriend?" She asks, looking up at me and I laugh.

"Maybe. Maybe not. Dunk, don't be so nosy!" Michael chuckles.

We walk into the living room and there's 2 other girls, I'm assuming they're Michael's other sisters, and 5 other boys, who are probably his brothers. Michael has a huge family!

"Jada, I'd like you to meet; Rebbie, LaToya, Randy, Jermaine, Tito, Marlon and Jackie. Everyone, this is my new bestfriend/girlfriend, Jada Smith."

"Hello, Jada! It's nice to meet you! Michael was texting me about you all day! He really likes you!" One of his sisters says, walking over to me to give me a hug.

"Stop it, Toya! You're embarrassing me! And I told you to not tell her about that!" Michael blushes.

"Haha, it's ok, Michael. I really like you too!" I giggle, giving him a peck on the lips.

"Ewwww, that's disgusting!" Janet yells, covering her eyes and sticking out her tongue.

"Oh, Dunk." Michael chuckles. "J, wanna meet my parents?"

"Sure! Bye everyone!" I nod and wave to them.

"Bye!" LaToya giggles.

"Hot damn." I hear Tito whisper and I giggle.

We walk into the kitchen and see a woman and a man sitting at the table, talking.

"Hey, Mother! Hey, Joseph!" Michael says.

"Hello, dear! How was school?" The woman says without looking at us.

"Uh, school was great. I met someone and I want you to meet her!" They both turn around to look at us.

"Oh, hello honey! What's your name?" Michael's mother says pulling me into a hug.

"My name is Jada. Jada Smith. I live just around the corner. It's nice to meet you Mrs.Jackson." I smile as we pull back from the hug.

"Oh that is wonderful! I'm Katherine, Michael's mother. But you can call me Mama K or just Katherine. I love your name, by the way! It's beautiful!" She grins.

"Thank you, Katherine." I say politely.

"So, what's your relationship with my son? Are you guys friends? Best friends? Dating? What's going on?" She asks eagerly.

"Woah, mother! Calm down. It isn't a big deal!" Michael chuckles.

"I just wanna know if this beautiful young lady is your first girlfriend or not!" Katherine smiles looking at me.

I look over at Michael, shocked. He's staring at the floor, obviously embarrassed.

"Michael? Is this true? Am I your first girlfriend?" I ask him.

He nods, ashamed.

"We'll leave so you two can be alone." Katherine says politely.

"Oh, no. It's okay mother. We can just go talk in my room or something." Michael says as we leave the kitchen.

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