43...I'm Not Stupid

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~Jada's POV~
"No, Tatiana! I know you're better than this! You used to be someone who was afraid of hurting others and always tried to make others feel good about themselves! What happened to you?!" Michael yells.

"I fell in love Michael. I fell in love. That's what happened. Love can make you do crazy things. I love you, Michael and I'm not gonna let some snobby whore take you away from me!" She screams and goes to cut me.

I grab a handful of her hair and pull while I take my other hand and grab the knife from her hand. She lets me go and starts rubbing her head in the spot where I pulled her hair.

"You little bitch!" She growls at me as I point the knife towards her.

"Oh, I'm not the bitch, Tatiana. And I'm definitely not a whore! I've only slept with one dude and its this one right here behind me. You, on the other hand, have slept with lots of guys! Hmm, lemme think. There was Jermaine, Thomas, Jordan, Charlie, and the list goes on!" I say and she looks down in shame.

"Well, at least I'm not using Michael to get famous!" She growls.

"Excuse me? I am NOT using Michael. I would never use anyone! I love Michael and that's the reason why I'm with him." I shout.

"Then why did you leave him? Why did it take you FOREVER to go back to him? Why?" She asks and tears come to my eyes.

"Because I was afraid! I was afraid of getting my heart broken again!" I answer.

Suddenly, cop cars show up and come up to us.

"Are you Miss. Jada Smith?" An officer ask me and I nod.

"We will get her as far away from you as we can. Come on Miss. Thumbtzen. You're going to Asia." He says, handcuffing her.

I look back at Michael and he has fear in his eyes. I walk up to him and smile.

"It'll all be okay. She's going to Asia." I say.

"Um, Jada? Were you gonna stab her at any time if the police hadn't shown up?" He asks and I realize that the fear in his eyes is from me.

"No. I just had used it to make sure she wouldn't come near me or stab me or anything." I answer and he nods. "Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Let's go inside." He says.

We go inside and I see high heels beside the door when we enter.

"Michael. Who's shoes are those?" I ask with anger starting to boil inside as I look at him.

"Um, I'm actually not sure." He says looking at the shoes.

"Applehead!!!" I hear a familiar voice cheer from the stairwell.

"Oh hey Dunk!" Michael smiles and I sigh of relief.

Janet runs down the stairs and attacks Michael with a huge hug.

It's been a while since I've seen her! She's 13 or 14 now and she looks so grown up compared to the last time I saw her.

"Hey Jada! Long time, no see!" She says, smiling as she gives me a hug.

"Oh my gosh, you've gotten so big! How old are you, like 20?" I joke.

"Nooo I'm 13!" She giggles back.

"So, Dunk? Why are you here?" Michael asks.

"Mother dropped me off here so I could see you and so I could see Jada. She was so touched by Jada's performance. She really loved it." Janet smiles at me and I smile back.

"Well, tell her I said thank you." I say and she nods.

"Well, it's getting late. We better go to bed." Michael yawns.

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