53...Who's The Father?

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~Jada's POV~
It's now April of 1991 and it's getting harder and harder for me to hide my pregnancy from Michael because the baby is due in June, which makes me 7 months pregnant and the bump is really big because I found out I'm having twins again. I'm not sure about the genders because I don't wanna know until they're born.

Back in December, Jedell's best friend/crush asked her to the dance like I said he would and she said yes! They've been dating ever since then and she is so happy. It's been 9 months since Rylee and Tommy started dating and it's going well with them. They had a few fights but nothing big that would hurt their relationship. I am very surprised by how mature my girls are with their relationships. I'm not saying that they aren't mature kids, it's just that normally with kids their age, relationships last for like a week or two but theirs have lasted much longer.

Right now, we're all in the living room, relaxing and watching a movie. Rylee is cuddled up with Tommy, Jedell is cuddled up with Joshua, and Haley and I are just sitting on the side. It's actually so cute how close my girls are with their boyfriends.

Suddenly, the doorbell rings and I just get up and answer it without checking who it is. When I see who it is, I instantly freeze. Oh no..

"Hey J." He says, looking at my pregnant belly.

"H-Hey Michael. W-What are you doing here?" I stutter.

"I came to pick up the girls to take them for a shopping spree." He says.

"Oh. Um, I'll go get them." I say and start to back away but he pulls me outside and closes the door.

"Jada. Are you pregnant?" He asks in a whisper.

"Uh....yes..." I mutter.

"Um, is it mine?" He asks.

"Uh I don't know." I lie as I look down.

"Oh.. Is it a boy or a girl?" He asks, starting conversation.

"Well, there's more than one. I'm having twins and I'm not sure what genders they are. I'm gonna wait until they're born." I say and he nods.

"And how far along are you?" He asks.

I really don't wanna answer that because then, he'd know it was his, if he added up the dates.

"That's none of your business." I snap and he steps back.

"Woah! What's with the sudden snappiness? I was just asking a question." He chuckles nervously.

"I'm sorry. I'm just so hormonal." I say and I'm not exactly lying.

I have been hormonal lately.

"Oh, it's okay. So, I'm guessing the girls have their boyfriends with them?" He chuckles.

"Yep." I chuckle.

"Okay. I guess I could take them shopping too, if they want." He laughs and I nod as I open the door again.

"Girls! Your father's here to take you on a surprise shopping spree! He said you can take your guys with ya too if they'd like!" I call and they all come to the doorway.

"Oh. Hey, Dad." Rylee says, giving me a worried look.

I can tell she's nervous because she's afraid he'll find out about the baby being his. She actually supported me with the whole secret baby thing.

"Hey, sweetie. Are you all ready?" Michael smiles and all the girls and guys nod.

"We'll see you later, Mom. Love ya." Rylee smiles and kisses my cheek.

"Love you too, sweetheart." I smile.

"Bye, Mom." Tommy waves and I wave back while giggling.

I forgot to mention, both Tommy and Joshua call me Mom. I think that's so sweet!

"So I'll drop them off later tonight?" Michael says and I nod.


"Okay. See ya, J." He says and walks away.

"See ya." I mutter and walk back in the house.

~Michael's POV~
We get in the limo and Bill starts driving away from Jada and Haley's place.

"So, girls?" I say and they both look at me.

"Yeah, Dad?" Jedell asks.

"I'm gonna ask you something and be completely honest with me." I sigh.

"Okay. Go ahead." Rylee says.

"Who's the father of your unborn siblings?" I ask and all of the kids' eyes widen a little.

After a long silence, Rylee finally answers.

"Um..we don't know, really. We're not sure." She stutters.

"Okay.." I say suspiciously.

-Hours later-
We just finished at the mall and we're in the limo, on our way back to Jada and Haley's place.

The girls have so many bags of clothes, makeup, shoes, purses, and other girly things like that. The boys, however, wouldn't let me buy them anything at first but then I made them choose something they liked so Tommy chose a new cellphone case and Joshua chose a new pair of headphones.

We get to Jada and Haley's place and the girls hop out with their bags and the boys help them with the rest of the load of bags.

I ring the doorbell and Haley comes to the door.

"Hey girls and guys! Did y'all have fun?" She smiles and they all nod.

"Hey, Haley. Where's Jada?" I ask.

"She's laying down. She's really tired today for some reason." She shrugs.

"Because of the pregnancy?" I ask and her eyes widen.

"How did you know about her being pregnant?" She asks.

"I found out today because I saw her belly when she answered the door. Um, can you tell me why she's been hiding the pregnancy from me?" I ask.

"She didn't want you to know because she didn't want you to worry about her."

"Oh. Um, out of curiosity, who's the father? Does she like, have a boyfriend or something?" I ask nervously.

"She does not have a boyfriend and she doesn't want anyone knowing who the father is but what I can tell you, is that the father broke her heart badly and he doesn't know about the pregnancy either." She says and I nod.

"Aw, poor Jada. She must hurt so bad if this guy broke her heart. Now I understand why she was crying so much and she did tell me that she had found something out when I asked her what was wrong." I say.

"Yeah. I feel so bad for her. But she is looking forward to being a mother to a baby again." She says.

"Well at least there's a bright side." I say, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah." She nods.

"Uh, I better get going. Tell Jada I said thanks for letting me take the kids for a shopping spree." I smile and she nods.

"I will. Goodbye, Michael." She smiles and walks back in the house as I start to leave.

I can't help but wonder who this guy is. And I can't help but feel bad for Jada. She has had a hard life and now another guy has broken her kind heart. I hope she feels happy again soon.

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