Chapter 49 ~ Perfect

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I've Updated the chapter again. Something went wrong. if your Chapter 49 ended with "I know where. I know the perfect place." then you have to read the other half of te chapter. I'm terribly sorry. Happy reading! :-)


Lianna Camp's point of view

"So..." My dad started.

"Dad, If this about weddings, you can go tell us about it." I snapped.

"E-er... Where do you guys want to be married?" He asked.

"That's not what we want to talk about, Right Henry?" My mom asked, threateningly.

"Right, Honey. I--" My dad cleared his throat.

"Mom, what do you want to talk about?" I asked.

"Henry, tell them already." Mom said.

"Come on, Mom. What is it?" I asked again.

"Lianna, sweetie. We were wondering if we-- you know, can speed up the wedding?" Dad asked nervously.

"Mom?!" I stood up from pure shock.

"Lianna, you can say no if you want to." Dylan's mom interfered.

"Therefore I say no." I said with determination.

"Can we at least finish highschool?" Dylan commented.

"Alright, alright." His mom said. "But if you two ever change your minds--" "Good night, mom." He kissed her mom's forehead and left for his room.

I closed my eyes. This is so not happening again.

"You can go, Lianna." I heard my mom's voice, I opened my eyes and nodded. Went straight to my room.


I couldn't sleep again. And by that I mean I'm losing this little competition Dylan and I have.

Because how could I possibly win when I need his shirt for sleeping? Sure, I can just go and buy some so I don't have to borrow anything for him but I want his scent.

And he doesn't want to tell me what cologne or perfume he's using!

Only if I could wear guy perfumes everytime, but no. People will smell because it's such a strong shit and they would act like you were hovering at some guy.

And obviously I can't wear Dylan's scent because some might notice, some might tweet and a jerk would be mad at me.


I tried to close my eyes instead of having this nonsense conversation with myself, because clearly? It's not going anywhere.

I breathed heavily and tried to sleep but it doesn't work.

I removed my clothes, leaving me nothing but underwear and tried to sleep.

It's much much more comfortable and I feel a lot better now.

When sleepiness is taking me over, My phone vibrated.


U already asleep?


About to. SMH.


what's thay even suppose tp mean?


So much hate.

Dorkily Ever AfterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon