Chapter 14 ~ Keys me, babe

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Dylan Cooper's point of view

I can't believe my parents were serious when they told me that I am living in Lianna's house. And they agreed to keep me there for too long! Like... For a year or something.

I told my maids to gather my clothes and bring them to Lianna's house once they're done.

For now? I'm driving to Lianna's house expecting that she'll still be there so we could... you know? Go to school together?

After all, She is my friend.

Once I've arrived her house, I quickly rang the doorbell. "Lianna, Dorky!" I called.

She, as fast as she could possibly could, answered the door. "Hey." She smiled at me.

"Hey." I replied.

"E-er... Hey?" She greeted again in a questioning tone.

I chuckled at her reaction and said, "Mind if I drive you to school?" I asked.

The funny thing about the atmosphere right now is that I was expecting her to be shocked or to be overwhelmed since I don't usually do this.

Actually, I've never done this to my former girlfriend before. She usually calls me or texts me if she wanted me to drive by her house.

And besides, The jerks are the only one I drive to somewhere's. Even if they haven't asked about it.

But Lianna's way too different than my ex-girlfriend. Way more special than her.

She's my first girl best friend. Actually, my first best friend in my life history.

Not that I'm saying that we're already best friends.

"Sure, I'll just get my things." Her voice interrupsted my chains of thought.

About a minute after, She came back with her backpack and went in my car without my permission.

Well, she's a hell of a friend.

I went in the driver's sit and continued to drive.

"So..." She broke the ice. "What made you think to drop by my house and pick me up without a request?" She asked.

"Nothing, Actually." I shrugged. "And seriously? Why are you wearing eyeglasses?" I asked.

"Because I'm a nerd, remember?" She asked sarcastically while pointing at her face.

"It's not like you haven't busted yourself out yet." I said.

"Well, you know I'm a nerd and they do not." She started putting her hair on a tail.

"Then I'll tell them." I kid as I shrugged.

"I swear on your toes I'll hide every french fry you see. I won't let you eat what you want when you're with me if you do that."

"Okay, I won't." I smirked at her teasingly and she smacked my arm. "Anyways, you'll have to help me move my things into your--" "room, yeah I get it." She cuts me off and then sighs.

"So you'll help me?" I asked confusedly.

"Of course I will." She pinched me in my cheeks.

"Promise?" I asked while rising an eyebrow.

"Primisey Promisey Poo!" She mocked me. The one I did when I was four.

"You remember that, huh?" I asked, while looking at her in a brief moment.

"Of course I do. My first kiss happened that day." I saw her smirk at my peripheral vision.

"First kiss? Who?" I asked as if I don't have any clue on what she was talking about.

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