Chapter 58 ~ The Promise Ring

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Girl talk is full of drama and Dylan's point of view is based on how my guy friends thinks and speaks.

In this chapter there would be a boy talk, which is a little explicit so proceed with caution :-)


Lianna Camp's point of view

"Psst, Lianna." I heard someone say, leaving a kiss on my jaw. I opened my eyes, wincing from the sunlight that just stung my eyes. Dylan had opened the curtains. I know.

"Hmm?" I asked, fixing my hair although he had already seen me at my worst. Also waiting for that good morning kiss in the forehead that always makes my morning, and rub in the belly like a little kid kind of thing.

I kind of miss that. I really enjoy it. "I dreamt of you last night."

"Can you give me my morning kiss first before that?" I said, looking at him.

"I can even give you the morning wood." He chuckled and so did I. "I'm kidding. Come on sit up." He pulled me to sit and sat behind me, hugging me. "There's a little explicit content at first but after the naughty scene, you told me you were liking a guy and you didn't want to talk about it."

"And then?" I asked.

"It was Troy. You like Troy. Do you remember when you two were hanging out at the diner and I came out of no--" "Dylan." I cut him off. "How long are you going to be jealous of Troy?"

"I'm not jealous. I'm just... curious." That made me giggle. Tell me? Is this guy holding me an actor or just a terrible liar. "And serious. Don't laugh at me." He said.

"Look. When I told you I'm liking a guy, it was you I was pertaining to. How can I possibly talk about the guy I like with the guy I like?" I asked. "He was just helping me to get you jealous but it didn't work because you're just... Curious."

"You two don't look cute together like us. What's there to be jealous for?" He asked and I pinched his nose in his cuteness. He's totally jealous.

"Jealous boys deserves naughty scenes on real life." I said so he'll admit the obvious.

"Too bad I'm not jealous." He said and I just laughed at him. "I'm going out today with my friends." He said, sitting on his side of bed. "Tom called me and we three are going to hang out for a while. Would that be fine for you?" He asked, kissing me on the jaw again.

"You talk like a husband from a movie or something." I giggled. "It really feels like you're already my husband, asking for a boy's night out when you have obligations to your house and kids or something."

"You're right, I'm so mushy." He messes up my hair. "I just wanted to inform 'cause you know, We have dinner with the parents tonight and Selina. You also might forget."

"You really talk like a 30 year old dude." I laughed a litle and he stands up. "Well, that's good because we're going shopping today."

"Again?" He asks.

"E-er yes, Again. Lisa and I aren't ready for the sudden family dinner." I rolled my eyes and he just chuckled.

"Do I have to drop you off somewhere or my girl can take her of herself?" I felt the electricity in my veins, flowing rapidly like they haven't before.

"Your girl?" I asked standing up from the bed as well.

"I am not planning to repeat that everyday." He said, "Come on, I'll go back to my room. Give me my favorite shirt." He said, tuggin the shirt I'm wearing.

This pervert.

"You just want to see what's under your clothes." I rolled my eyes again.

"This--" He pauses, lifting his shirt up and points at his abs. "Is 'what's under my clothes'." I just laughed at him. Show off.

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