Chapter 48 ~ Teenagers

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Dylan Cooper's point of view

"Dylan, do you have feelings for me?" She asked.

I didn't know what to say although I brought myself to the situation. I had internal battle between 'Tell her and let her know' and 'Just keep it to yourself so you wouldn't have to risk your friendship.'

Of course, the second one won.

"I'll think about it. Do I?" I asked back at her.

"Dylan, I'm waiting." She demands for answer.

"Maybe. Maybe not." I teased more.

"Dylan just tell --" "I think so." I interfered and she responded with a gasp.

"I'm just kidding." I faked a convincing laugh. "At least I try not to."

"What do you mean you try not to?" She asks again.

"I mean, If I wasn't your best friend, I could have fallen in love with your beauty and such amazing personality." I shrugged. "That's why I was teasing you to hell at the first place." I honestly said.

Partly honest. The truth is I've already fallen in love with her, I just try to keep it to myself so there would be conflicts about us.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yeah." I laughed at the honesty. "I was so fucking turned on every time I did those things with you."

"What happened now?" She asks again.

"You became my best friend slash annoying sister." I laughed again.

"Oh my God, Did you just annoying sister-zoned me?" She asked again.

"Like how you protective brother-zoned me?" I asked. "Maybe."

"Imagine if we never became best friends and we lived in my house, teasing each other like that all the time. What could have happened?" I asked.

"My dick could have been standing up the whole time I could be used as a dildo."

She laughed loudly. "Oh my God, my virgin ears!"

"Come on, let's divirginize them." I grabbed her waist closer to me.

"Dylan, you're driving!" She laughs again.

I made a right, few blocks before the house.

"After driving maybe." I chuckled.

"You dick, we're just friends today." She laughs.

"Alright, maybe after the game." I said and she laughed.


"If I win, I'm gonna kiss you." It just came out of my mouth.

"What? We didn't agree anything about that." She pushed my hands away as we stopped in front of the gate.

"I will still kiss you." I chuckled. "Plus butt touches."

She laughed.

"I'll make sure you wouldn't win." She rolled her eyes. When someone finally opened the gate, I quickly parked in front so it would be easy to go back to school.

"As far as I'm informed by your other best friend, I already am winning." I said while going out of the car.

She turned around.

"You're so not winning." She said.

"Then why are you so defensive?" I asked, leaning on my car which she noticed.

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