Chapter 10 ~ Damned & Screwed

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Lianna Camp's point of view

"Lianna! We're next!" Belle screamed off her lungs. "Screwing up is equal to ruining my life." Belle said as if it was a threat. "Don't ever try to screw us up or else--" "Or else what?" Dylan finishes what Belle can't manage to say.

"You'll die because of humiliation." She says as she twirl her hair in her finger.

Ugh. The guts of this bitch.

"Fine then, kill me. I have a witness." I smirked as I gave a look at Dylan. Dylan raises his hand when I said the word 'witness'.

Dylan laughed and Belle got humiliated even more. She stomped her feet once and turned her back at us.

She takes her make up kit and gets ready for the play.

"Ya' hear that, Jerky?" I asked with an evil smile. "No screwing up."

"Tell that to yourself, Dork." He laughs.

"Ha, Ha. Very funny." I said sarcastically.

"So.." He continued. "Are you gonna remove those?" He pouts his lips, pointing at my face, because his hands are busy tying his shoe laces up.

"Remove what?" I asked while I sat on a nearby chair.

"This." His finger taps my eyeglasses which gave a 'clink' sound.

"Not interested." I tugged a strand of hair behind my ear. "Besides, I'm portraying a nerd. I need--" "You're next guys. In 5." Mr. Oakwood pipes up.

"I'll just remove it myself then." He continued to chuckle.

"What?!" I paused. "What will you do?"

"Improve." He proudly said. "I mean, Improvise." He winks at me while he goes to the stage.

Oh no.

What is he thinking? What will he do?!

By that 4 words he let go, I started to feel nervous.

I perfectly had a feeling that he'll do something stupid. Jerky, for a better description.


"I miss you." He lifts me up on the ground and our nose touches.

You know what? I just thank God that he didn't died in disgust while touching me.

"I miss you more, Mr. Cooper." He sets my feet on the ground with a smile still glued to his face.

"Just so you know that I miss you more than you miss me." He wrapped my arms against his waist.

"I think you miss your girl friend more than you miss me." I pouted my lips.

"My best friend is jealous, isn't she?" He asked, still that serial killer's smile couldn't be separated on his handsome face.

"Me? Jealous? Who wouldn't be? You spent all your time with your girl friend and never gave a shit on me." I slightly pushed him away.

Shit. I'm still nervous about that Improvising thing!

"Sorry. I promise, I wouldn't do it again." He brushes my hair with his hands.

Damn! I'm nervous x 2!

He's effing great in acting that it somehow made me insecure about what I'm doing! Anoter thing that makes me nervous was his fans. If I messed this up, His fans will surely mess me up even more.

Same to Belle, the freaking princess in this story!

"Here's your promise again. You kept promising me the same thing." I rolled my eyes.

Dorkily Ever Afterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें