Chapter 17 ~ Cupcake Battle

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Lianna Camp's point of view

Dylan and I walked out of the car and entered the mall.

I didn't know why but it is as if everyone are looking at us.

"What flavor do you like?" He wraps his arms again in my waist.

"Chocolate." I smiled excitedly, completely ignoring those looks. Maybe they were just curious or something.

"Idolizing me, aren't you?" He chuckled.

Obviously, Chocolate is his favorite too.

"Assuming as always, Mr. Jerk." I giggled while wrapping my arms around his waist.

We were always like this.

Like bipolars.

We can easily forget one thing in just a second and that's another shade of him that I like.

"Glad you kno--" "Oh my God." Someone yelled like Nicki Minaj on Anaconda, Before Dylan could even end his sentence. "It's Dylan! Dylan Cooper?" She giggled.

A group of girls, including the girl who yelled, ran towards us.

I quickly removed my arms around his waist before his fans, which I just figured out, could even over react.

"Oh my God!" She repeated. "Are you his girlfriend?"

I know this girl. She was... The one with the vanilla ice cream! Yep.

It's funny how she was so surprised and didn't even recognized me in some point.

"W-why?" I stuttered.

Shit, I should've said no.

"N-nothing." She stuttered too.

"She's something like that so... Maybe you could excuse us?" He asked while wrapping his arms back on my shoulder.

The girls was disappointed.

"But-- Just one picture?" She asked again.

"We're on a date." He excused.

They all pouted their lips in disappointment.

I nudged Dylan on the ribs and said. "I'll take the picture." I lended my hand for a phone.

Dylan chuckled.

That sexy mother effing chuckle!

"Thanks!" The girls yelled.

They all smiled for the picture, Dylan even put his arms on top of their shoulders.

"I knew you'd take the picture."

"Yeah? Why?" I asked.

"Because you're not his date." She said, very sure of herself. "He's so out of your league. He'd never go for you." Dylan bursted out laughing.

"Excuse me?" I chuckled. Really, I chuckled at that one.

"Because I'm his type." She said.

I saw dylan shrugged, which was like agreeing.

"Well, You are his type." I said.

Dylan freaking laughed at me!

I will prove him that I can slam anyone's mouth, including his.

"You're just not the one with him right now." I shrugged.

Bitchy, a little.

She chortled and said, "You're ridiculous." She said.

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