Chapter 20 ~ Make Over Monday

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Warning: Too much swearing ahead of you. Enjoy.


Dylan Cooper's point of view

"Lianna! Wake up! It's monday!" I knocked a few times at her door.

"Go away. I'm sick and I can't go to school!" She yelled.

Such a liar. Not even a good one.

"Sir, Here's the keys you wanted." Mary gave me the keys I told her I want then left.

I opened the door and tip-toed slowly towards her bed.

She is still asleep and I took my phone out to take a picture of her.

She was lying in her front , and may I add, peacefully.

"Dorky!" I yelled as I jumped on top of her back.

"Wake up or I'll rake a picture of you." I whispered in her ear.

"I don't care." She shrugged.

So, I took a picture of her, with saliva dripping on the tip of her lips.


"Lianna, You're drooling over me again." I laughed.

"Dylan, Go away." She said drowsily. "You're so heavy."

"Wake up, nerd." I took another picture. "Or else I'm gonna put my tongue in your mouth." I threatened.

"Go ahead." She said. "I still haven't brushed my teeth anyways." She smirked. with her eyes still closed.

"Go ahead, huh?" I chuckled.

I kissed her neck multiple times and she giggled in reply.

"It's 5 AM in the morning! What do you want?" Her eyes stayed as it is.

"I want you to take a shower." I said. "Annie's coming here at 5:30." I said but she just sighed back to sleep.

"Li-" I kissed her shoulders. "-an-" Then to her neck. "-na!" Then to her cheeks.

She just giggled.

"Remember what you said last night? 'I'll do everything just to make it up to--'" "I'm awake. I'm awake." She cuts me off. She rolled around and said, "Get off of me now."

"I won't if you won't open your eyes."

"She opened her eyes drowsily and said, "Get me a towel."

"Why would get you a freaking towel?" I asked,

"Please?" She hugged her blanket sexily.

Damn, she's fucking turning me on again.

"Are you naked?" I asked straight-forwardly.

"No!" She defended. "I'm on my underwear."

I get off of her and said, "As far as I know, you didn't invited some guy over here last night." I said. "Tell me who."

"Jerk!" She kicked me in my thighs and pushed herself in a sitting position, still hugging her blanket. "You're naked." She came up with an excuse.

"Topless, not naked." I said.

"I'm not naked." She chuckled.

"You are! You're not wearing anything but panties!" I yelled.

"I have a bra, idiot." She chuckled again. "Why is it a big deal to you anyways?

Is she serious? I-I mean... She's a girl, I'm a guy. Of course it's a big deal. She can't walk around with only underwear!

"It's not like you haven't seen me naked a thousand times. We even shared a showed together." She leaned in her board of her bed and closed her eyes again.

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