Chapter 22 ~ Pizza Fries

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Lianna Camp's point of view

Firstly, Should I care that this Lea Watson will study at the same school we're studying now?

It's not like this is our property to stop someone from studying here.

And seriously, who is she? Why is he even making a big deal out of her?

Is she some kind of Dylan's past or something.

Lastly, Is she Emma watson's relative? If she is, then I'll be glad.

"Who's Lea Watson?" I stood up straight.

"A whore." He chuckled. From the sound of it, he's obviously in disbelief. "Also a family's friend." He sighed.

"So what if she's your family's friend?" I sat beside him.

"Well--" He trailed off while wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "--She's the reason why I ended up marrying you." I felt him look at me,

"How?" I asked, looking straight back at him.

"Well, My parents wanted me to get married so badly, I asked them for a name and they dropped Lea's."

"I mean, How does Lea Watson ends up being Lianna Camp?" I asked while placing my index finger in his chin.

"I told you that I made a joke on why they should maybe choose you and they took it seriously." He shrugged again.

"Right." I just smiled, placing my right cheek on his hard chest.

I was looking at what he was looking at before. It was the sunset.

The orange and yellow light blended well but the yellow fades away and orange remained.

"I heard the news." His hands migrated on my arm. " Andrew Nicholas White?" He chuckled upon the mention of his name although he have never met him before.

"Yeah." I chortled incredulously. "Came up to me to ask me if I'm free this friday night." I said while rolling my eyes.

"He's effing blind, I'm telling you." He chuckled.

"He's not asking me out, Jerky." I hugged him from his side.

"Good." He messed up my hair. "Because if he breaks your heart, I'll break his neck." He pulled me closer. "And ruin his face." Then he wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

"Escalated quickly thing." I muttered, intentionally letting him hear it.

"Of course." He ribbed my shoulders with his thumb. " You're my best friend."

"Alright, Jerk." I just chuckled.

"But.." He trailed off.

"But what?" I looked at him again.

"Before I'll ignore the whole day give me the warmest hug you'll ever give to someo--" "What?!" I cut him off.

"You'll still gonna ignore me?" I said and he nodded.

"But before I would ignore you for the whole day, Give me a hug."

"What?! You'll still ignore me?" I said and he nodded.

"But that's unfair. I didn't even knew--" "Hug me or for the whole week?" He asked teasingly.

"Fine!" I hugged him tight but he hugged me tighter.

"I can't breath!" I yelled and he hugged me even tighter.

"I heard you breathing." He laughed again and lets go.

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