77. #88 Patrick Kane (Chicago Blackhawks)

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"Because, Pat, you are jealous of a T-shirt."
"No. I am jealous because I never see you wearing my jersey."

You roll your eyes and lift two tickets in the air: "We are going to see a game. And the Cubs play. So I am wearing their T-shirt."
"We are going on a game? But..."
"If you live in Chicago, you have to see Crosstown Classic, and I am taking you to the game."

With that said you take Patrick to your room to lend him your over-sized Cubs T-shirt for the game. Well, one of their T-shirts you own. He pulls down his Blackhawks T-shirt, revealing his muscles for few seconds before another T-shirt covers his torso.

"Now you are wearing Cubs T-shirt as well," you laugh and poke his chest, making him smile.

"Guess I am. What a girl can make me do, right?"
"Girlfriend. That's the difference. Come on, we have to go, we don't wanna be late. I promise you'll like it. Mom! Dad! We are leaving, enjoy your dinner!"

"We will, enjoy the game!" dad yells and your mother continues: "Pat, take good care of her!"
"I will, miss Y/L/N. Thank you for everything."

You have to drag him out, since he likes to chat with your parents a lot and sometimes it takes ages for him to stop talking to them. Not that it bothers you, he is the first boyfriend your parents accept and really like. But tonight you are running out of time if you want to catch the beginning of the game.

You sit in his car and after a short ride, you reach your destination, where fans are already gathering. Patrick gets out of the car and hurries on your side to open the door for you. He stretches his arm and takes your small hand in his as he pulls you out. Hand in hand you make your way through the crowd, trying to go as unnoticed as possible, but few fans still notice him and ask him for photos or autographs. Grinning slightly, he does everything he fans ask him to do, but never lets go of your hand.

"Patrick Kane, is this your girlfriend?" someone yells, making you both turn around. Of course, one of the reporters will try to enrich his article about tonight's game with made up things.

Patrick smiles and drapes his arm around you protectively: "Yes, she is. But that's all I have to say. Come on, let's get in."

The last thing was meant for you and he gently pulls you away, making your way to the entrance. Once you get inside the stadium, you go to your seats, but before that you stop to grab something to eat and drink. With your hands full of snacks and with two cans of Coca-Cola, you sit on your seats.

Few minutes before the game begins, Pat's hand snatches a fistful of your snacks.

"Hey!" you squeal and try to take it back, but he quickly eats it and gives you a goofy grin: "What's the matter?"
"You took my food!"

"Did I? Oh, sorry, I didn't realize that," he laughs and quickly seizes the chance of you not paying attention, as he takes some more of your food.

"Okay, okay, I will stop. Just..."

This time, you read his intention on time and move your food out of his reach: "Not this time."

He looks at you with pouty lips and puppy eyes: "Come on, you have better food."
"We took the same stuff..."
"I know, but yours is still better."
"You are such a goof. But I love you."

In that moment you realize what you said and cover your mouth. Patrick and you have been a thing for nearly a year now, but you haven't said your "I love you"'s yet. He looks at you and puts down his snack, signaling you to do the same. You put down your snacks as well and look as his hands took yours in his. Your eyes lock as he smiles widely: "I love you too, Y/N. I've been waiting for the right time to say it, but you beat me. I love you."

In the next moment the game starts, but you miss the beginning. The game begins for you and Pat with sharing the first kiss after you've said each other "I love you".

During the intermission, you decide to take a walk around the stadium. While wandering through now crowded halls, you two hold hands and you walk into stadium store, where Patrick buys you an adorable cuddly toy, dressed into team's uniform. Since his constant complaining, you decide to buy him Cubs' T-shirt. The look on his face when you hand it over to him, is priceless. You chuckle and step on your tiptoes to whisper to his ear: "Now you won't have to borrow my oversized shirts."

"You are kidding me, right?"
"Nope, I am dead serious. Welcome to Chicago," you peck his cheek and laugh at his expression.

"B-But I am from Buffalo... Mets are from New York, why did you...?"
"Because right now you are in Chicago. And I wanted to buy you Cubs' shirt."

He looks at the shirt and gives you a wide grin: "Now we will be able to wear matching T-shirts and look like a super cute couple."
"You think we don't look cute now?" you jokingly raise your eyebrow. In response, he only takes your hand in his and leads you out of the store to your seats.

The game ends with Cubs winning, but the best thing is that, when you walk out with the rest of the fans, Patrick smiles down at you: "I hope we'll attend more Cubs' games, I had so much fun watching the game with you."

"Well...we could go if you really liked it that much."
"I really did and I would love to go to any more games with you. Only, if we will go to New York once and see Mets' game."

"Are you trying to...blackmail me?" you wink, making him laugh and quickly kiss your cheek.

"Well, in that case...I will think about it."

He laughs while you head back to his car, your finger intertwined.

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