Chapter 57

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I knock on Luke's front door, Logan holding my hand tightly. He's never been here before. Neither have I, I just know his address from the paperwork they entered. A jumpy Luke answers the door.

"Hi?" I say. He was about respond before a football was thrown behind him, creating a loud crash.

"Dammit Calum." Luke sighs running a hand through his hair making Logan giggle.

"Uh..never mind. I'll just get the babysitter." I start to turn around.

"Wait, you wanted me to watch him?" He stops me.

"Yeah, but it doesn't seem safe here."

"It's plenty safe here. You can trust me, babe." He reaches to pick up Logan.

"I hope I can."

"Don't worry about him, I'll take great care of him." He assures me setting Logan on his hip. I hand him his bag and he swings it over his shoulder.

"I'll be back to pick him up later on." I tell him.

"Take your time." He smiles.

"Okay." I say. He turns around and closes the door, I head back to my car and get inside. I drive back to our house. I have full trust in Luke with Logan. But if he ends up getting hurt or anything, I don't think I'll be able to trust him anymore.

I don't get to leave the car before Bri runs out and gets in.

"To the movie theater! Time to ruin some endings." She smirks.

"This is gonna be hilarious." I chuckle driving off.

-Luke POV-

"Guys, I've got Logan!" I shout at them. "Which means stop throwing footballs, Calum."

"Just one more." He throws it so close to my shoulder that it almost hits Logan.

"I swear to god Calum, if you hurt my son."

"Calm yourself, Lucas." He chuckles walking into the kitchen. Ashton comes into the room, falling onto the couch with a sigh.

"Tired already, Ash?" I smirk sitting on the couch next to him. He's supposed to have a girl coming over tonight, this probably wasn't the best time for babysitting, but I'm still glad I said yes.

"Well..." I stop him before he finishes.

"Keep it pg."

"Yes." He responds.

"What have you been up to?"

"There's no way I could make my answer pg." He chuckles.

"Moving on. What do you guys want to do since we have Logan all day?"

"Ice cream?" Calum smiles.

"Ice cream!" Logan cheers.

"She didn't give me a car seat." I tell them.

"Just hold him." Calum suggests.

"He won't be safe." I reason.

"You're such a dad." Calum laughs picking him up. "Come on." Ash and I follow him out to my black Range Rover. "Sit." He points at the backseat. I sit down and buckle my seatbelt. He puts Logan on my lap. "Stay like that." He instructs. He goes to sit in the passenger's seat while Ashton gets in the driver's.

"Let's hit the road." Ashton smiles starting the car.

"It's a block away." Calum looks over at him.

"Still." He pulls onto the street and start towards the ice cream shop. We pull into the parking lot and get out of the car. I unbuckle my seat belt and Logan and I get out.

"See, he's just fine." Calum chuckles.

"I guess you're right." I let Logan hold on to my finger while we walk since he can't reach my hand yet. We all walk towards the ice cream shop.

"Hi, welcome to Dairy Queen. What would you like?" A girl at the cash register smiles.

"What do you want, buddy?" I ask Logan as I pick him up.

"Um..." He taps his chin looking up at the menu. "Strawberry. No, chocolate. No wait, cookies and cream." He nods confidently. "No, I want strawberry with sprinkles." I laugh and confirm his order. The rest of us enter our orders and go to sit down.

"Hanging with dad and his friends, how does it feel?" I smile.

"Um...can I have soda?" He asks.

"Sure." I answer.

"Then yes." He nods. "Mommy doesn't let me have soda."

"Then you can't have soda." I chuckle.

"But you just said I could." He pouts.

"You can have candy instead."

"Okay." He gleams. Calum is the first to see that our ice cream is ready so he go gets it. He comes back with cups in his hands and sets them down in front of each of us.

"Thanks Cal." I smile eating a spoonful of mine. Logan devours his like he hasn't had ice cream in months. "You can't eat ice cream that fast, you'll get a-" I don't get to finish my warning before he groans holding his head. "Brain freeze." I sigh.

"Oww." He smacks his forehead thinking that it would help.

"Logan, do this." I put my thumb at the roof of my mouth and push up. That's how I learned to get rid of a brain freeze. He copies my actions and his pain evaporates like steam. "Better?"

"Yes." He nods.

-this is a little short but..
-currently having cramps and honestly not feeling like doing anything
-but I took from tips from MyLifeasAva and I'm feeling a little better.
-here it is


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