Chapter 47

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-Marianna POV-

I decide to hang out with Matt for a minute. When ever I feel down I always go to him or Michael. And since Michael isn't an option right now, here I am.

"I made your favorite tea. Lemonade." Matt smiles as he sits down next to me with a steaming mug of tea in his hand. It warms my hands when I hold the mug.

"Thank you." I take a sip and set it down on the coffee table.

"So why were you crying earlier?"

"My mom embarrassed me in front of my brother and his dad. I cried in anger." I tell him.

"Oh. Well are you feeling better now?"

"Much better." I smile. "I should probably get home. I'll text you later." He connects his lips to mine and we smile into the kiss.

"Have a safe drive, babe." He smiles, his grey eyes staring into my dark brown ones. I nod and turn around, heading for the door.

I walk out to my car and get in. I buckle my seatbelt and start the car before pulling out the driveway and leaving. I guess I'll be seeing Mikey tomorrow.

-20 minutes later-

"I'm home." I show a smile as I walk into the house.

"Mommy!" Logan runs up to me and hugs my leg. I pick him up and set him on my hip.

"Did you have fun with Bri, baby?" I ask him.

"No." He shakes his head.

"No?" I giggle. "Why not?"

"I wanted my mommy." He pouted.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere." I dot his nose with my finger and he giggles.

"You know," Bri walks into the room. "He refused to eat his greens so he cried until I gave him ice cream."

"Logan, you can't do that. Do you want to be big and strong when you grow up?"

"Yes." He gives me a confident nod.

"Then you have to eat your vegetables." I smile. He attempts to say vegetables, but after a while it sounds more like spaghetti.

"Okay mommy." He smiles.

"Bri, could you try again?" I chuckle.

"I guess so." She takes him out of my hands and carries him back to the kitchen. I plop onto the couch as I hear my ring tone. I pull out my phone to see an unknown caller. I press talk.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Uh, Hi. It's me, Luke." A deep voice says.

"Hey." I sigh. "So have you got to talk to Michael yet?"

"No, we we're gonna go tomorrow."

"Me too." I say.

"So could we talk? Like in person."

"We can meet at the hospital."

"No, I mean like right now."

"I guess you can come to my house."


"Conch Dr. Third house."

"Isn't that Spongebob's house?"

"Didn't think you would get that." I chuckle and tell him my real address.

"I'll be over in 10." We both hang up.

"Hey Bri." I walk into the kitchen where Logan sits on the island while Bri feeds him greens.

"What's up?" She asks not turning around.

"So I kinda told Luke that he could come over in few." I tell her. "When he gets here, could you keep Logan upstairs."

"You know he's gonna be up there crying because he wants you."

"Well he can't be down here, he knows who his dad is and I don't want him to blurt it out."

"I'll try. You should change, gotta look good for your man." She smirks picking him up and taking him upstairs.

"He's not my man, I'm dating Matt." I shout up at her before I hear a door close. I walk to the kitchen to clean up the plate of greens sitting on the counter and the drops of ice cream sitting next to the empty bowl.

I hear knocking on the door. I walk into the living room, fixing the couch pillows on the way to the door. I open it to see Luke.

"Hey there." He smirks, a single rose held tight in his hand showing me he was nervous. He gave the rose to me.

"Thank you." I smile taking it. "Come in." He follows me inside and sits on the couch. "So what did you want to talk about?"

"You." He smiles.

"What about me."

"How I fucked up by leaving you." He says.

"So you came to apologize, again?"

"Do you trust me?"

"I don't, but I do."

"It's a yes or no question, babe." He chuckles crossing his legs.


"Then I won't need to apologize. There's just some things I need to know."

"Like what?"

"Well, are you happy?"

"Yeah." I smile nodding.

"Would you allow me back into your life?"



"Mommy!" Logan shouts from up stairs.

"One second." I get off the stairs and walk up the stairs. He sits at the top with a pout on his face. "What's wrong, baby?" I whisper sitting next to him.

"She won't let me be red in connect 4." He crosses his arms.

"Just play yellow for now. Mommy needs you to be quiet while she talks to daddy."

"Daddy?" He stands up an instant smile on his face. I can't stop him before he runs down the stairs. I run along with him, attempting to catch him but he runs to where Luke's sitting and holds on to his leg, shouting 'daddy' over and over again.

I walk over to them and pick him up but he doesn't let go.

"Daddy?" Luke asks clearly confused. I don't respond, anything I say would only make this worse.

-hey guys
-how's your days going?
-mine is going pretty swell
-I forgot to wish you all a happy Valentine's day yesterday
-its the 15th
-Luke may or may not know that he's a father.
-who could have guessed that Logan would be the one that spilled the beans.
-I'm gonna go
-see you later guys

Bullied by Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now