Chapter 15

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"W-What are you doing here?" I ask, my heartbeat increasing with every word.

"I need to talk to you." Luke looks at me with bloodshot eyes, his cheeks stained with dry tears. I was hesitant to do so but I allowed him to come in. We both go sit on the couch my phone was on. I make sure to pick it up just in case I need to call the police.

I walk to the kitchen to get him a water when i see a note on the fridge.

'Out on a date and won't be home until 1. Dinner's in the fridge. Love you. -Mom'

Great. I have no backup if things go wrong.

I walk back over to him with the water bottle in my hand and place it on the coffee table before sitting down on the couch.

"What did you want to talk about?" I ask making sure to sit as far as possible from him, just so I could have a running head start if he tries anything.

"Marianna, I want to apologize." He catches me off guard enough to where I choke on the air.

"What?" I say with wide eyes.

"Over the last few years, I've done a lot of mean things to you. I just want you to know that I'm sorry." He says followed by a sniffle. I still sit in disbelief.

"Liars aren't allowed here. You can leave now." I say pulling out my phone.

"Marianna listen to me!" He shouts, fresh tears now running down his face. I look over at him.

"What is there to listen to? Another lie?" I ask.

"I'm not lying. I know I've done some terrible things to you and there's no doubt that you hate me for them. I'm begging for your forgiveness because I will never forgive myself." He says slowly inching closer to me. I tried to move even though there was nowhere I could go.

"Why now Luke? Why when I'm finally starting to get my life together." I say leaning on my hand.

"B-Because I-I...I can't take the guilt anymore." I knew he was about to say something else but I didn't want to ask about it.

"All you're gonna do is say sorry now to make me vulnerable then bully me harder knowing that I'll be weaker tomorrow. If you don't remember, you did this last year."

"I'm serious this time."

"Of course you are. You're doing this to free yourself from the guilt, this is in no way helping me to forgive you. In which I never will." I say glaring at my phone.

"Please. Give me a chance. I don't want you to be afraid of me anymore."

"Who ever said I was afraid of you? I dislike you a ton but I'm not afraid of you." I scoff.

"You don't understand. I'm being really sincere for the first time in my life and you don't believe me." He says, my eyes turning to him in doubt.

"If I did forgive you, what difference would it make?"

"It would make me happy." A small sad smile grows on his face. I can't believe him.

"You're so self-centered! Goodbye Luke." I shout not making eye contact with him but I can still see his smile drop.


"Leave!" I point to the door. He gives me one last look before heading out the door and out of my sight.

I sink into the couch and bring my knees up to my chest. I start to let the tears go that I was holding in the entire time he was here.

They roll down my cheeks and onto my black jeans.

"Anna? Are you okay?" I hear Calum's voice ask. I don't respond. I feel the couch sink and his muscular arms bring me onto his lap. I lay my head on his chest and my crying lessens.

"Shhh. It's okay. Tell me what happened." He whispers holding me closer to him.

"It was Luke." I could feel his muscles tensing beneath me. "He wanted to apologize." I wipe my eyes as he relaxes.

"Did you accept it?" He asks setting his head on top of mine.

"No. I couldn't Calum. I really wanted to, but I just couldn't."

"It's good that you didn't. He doesn't deserve your forgiveness." He says quietly.

"I won't be able to. Every time I try, my memories change my mind and I just go back to where I started." Tears leave wet trails down my cheeks once again.

"Marianna. Stop crying. He doesn't deserve your tears." He says in a deep voice, wiping my tears gently with his thumb. I look in his deep glistening brown eyes and my crying stops. All of my emotions stop. They just come together and sit in a ball in my stomach.

I'm nervous.

-So tonights a double update because why the heck not?
-I'm so excited for the chapters to come.
-this is gonna be so fun.
-I know this was short but I need to go before I start spoiling.

Bullied by Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now