Chapter 18

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I enter the house first, cautiously stepping through the door. Calum gets in front of me and hold my hand tightly.

"Don't let go." He shouts to me over the loud music. I grip his hand and follow behind him as he leads me through the glistening grinding bodies of drunk teens.

He stops and I crash into his back due to my wandering eyes. I step back and tug on his hand to turn him around.

"Why'd you stop?" I shout.

"What?" He furrows his bushy eyebrows at me. I bring his head down to my mouth level so he could hear me better.

"I said why did you stop walking?" I ask in his ear. His mouth goes to mine and he responds.

"Uh. Well I saw someone I haven't seen in a long time." He answers.


"No one important. Let's just keep going." He turns back around and starts walking again. I shrug it off because its probably just a friend or something.

-Calum POV-

I lead Anna through the crowd of dancing people to a place that I could talk to her. I see someone who I haven't seen in awhile. And never wanted to see again.

My ex girlfriend, Bianca. She cheated on me with four other guys while I was taking care of my sister after she got in a car crash.

I caught her just before there was a fifth. She started off as a dare anyway. But once I found out she could do amazing things with her mouth, she became my girlfriend.

In the end, it was all just a big mistake.

-Bri POV-

I jog down the stairs after I hear the doorbell ring. Is Marianna expecting someone? I open the door slowly.

A curly haired, hazel eyed boy stands with a large smile.

"Hi?" I say which comes out as a question more than a statement.

"Hey. Is Marianna here?" He asks.

"Depends, who are you?" I ask leaning on the door frame.

"I'm Michael's friend, Ashton." He responds.

"No. She isn't here. But why are you?"

"Michael sent me to pick her up so we could hang out. Where is she?"

"She just left with Calum. They're going to a party." I say.

"Michael probably isn't gonna like that. Bad news for Calum." He giggles.

"Well before you go tell Michael, how about you come to the party with me." I smirk.

"Okay sure." He laughs. I smile and close the front door behind me. "You never told me your name." He says as we start walking.

"Something's are just better unknown." I say looking down at the sidewalk as our feet travel over it.

"I won't force. You can tell me when you want. You don't even have to tell me at all. I just-"

"You talk a lot." I laugh interrupting him.

"Yeah. I tend to do that." He chuckles scratching the back of his neck. I love when guys do that.

"Its alright. I do that sometimes." I playfully nudge him.

"Talking is like a hobby to some people."

"Really, like who?"

"Like me." He laughs. I laugh along. "I talk the most out of all of my friends."

"I guess I can say I do too. I only have one friend so..." I trail off.

"You know. Luke and I used to be friends."

"What was he like when he wasn't a dick?"

"He was quiet and shy. But he was still kind of a dick. Or at least to Michael who used to yell at him all the time." He tells me.

"Okay. That kinda explains a lot." I chuckle. He nods.

"Is that it?" He asks pointing ahead to the bright house at the end of the street.

"Well I'm guessing they made it bright so people would know where to go, so yes. I think it is." I answer.

"RACE YOU!" He shouts running ahead of me. I'm taken back by the sudden pace change but I quickly catch up.

The two of us go head to head for the next couple houses until I start running out of breath.

I start to slow down and he speeds past me.

"You win, you win." I say trying to catch my breath. I bend down and breath harder. "I can't breath." I say in a short breath. He jogs back to me.

"Breath through your mouth." He smiles bending down with me. I open my mouth and start inhaling then exhaling. My lungs slowly start inflating again and I feel better.

I quickly dart toward the house but he still beats me to the lawn.

"How did you do that?" I laugh.

"Look at my legs and tell me I can't run." He smirks. I take a quick glance at his legs. They are quite muscular.

"That's not fair. I have sticks as legs." I say.

"Start exercising and then we'll race."

"You're asking for too much now." I say as I continue to catch my breath again.

"Let's go in." He smiles. I nod and follow him to the porch.

-so I just had an orchestra concert about an hour ago.
-if you didn't know, I play cello.
-but slowly transferring to bass guitar.
-tonight I got pumped cuz it was lit.
-even if there was only 20 people in the crowd but, that's not the point.
-the point is I had a lot of fun and I just might do a double update tonight.

Bullied by Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now