Chapter 34

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-Luke POV-

I hope I didn't hurt her. The first thing I could think of was a hug.

"I am fine." She says examining her body. I guess she's checking to see if she's hurt. Then she looked up at me with a surprised face. "I'm fine? I am." She whispers to herself.

Did I really bring her that much trauma that she can't believe that I'm here and she's okay? I feel awful.

"So, can we talk?" I ask glancing at the ground.

"Um." She still surprised. "I mean, yes." She then nods quickly and walks me over to the couch, in which we both sit on. "What did you want to talk about?" She asks.

"After I found out Calum left a few hours ago, I realized that you didn't have anyone to keep me from you." She looked weirded out by that sentence. "I haven't been seeing you at school lately so I decided to come talk to you at your home. To apologize."

"I'm not doing this 'apology' thing again. You can just see your-"

"You need to listen to me this time."

"I need? And who are you supposed to be, my dad?" Oh my god, she won't listen!

"Will you please listen to me?" I ask in a calmer tone.

"Depends on what you have to say." This is the most frustrating thing ever! But I will remain calm. I will keep my hands to myself.

"Marianna, I need you to trust me. I need you to believe that I won't hurt you." I tell her.

"How am I supposed to do that when you've hurt me for years? All types of hurt." Her voice cracking. "All the times you've called me a slut, a bitch, a worthless piece of shit that didn't deserve to be on this earth. And you think that just because you apologize, it will all just magically float away?" Her hair was shielding her face from the side so I didn't know she was crying until she wiped her eyes.

"That's not what I'm saying. I just. I-I don't know. I didn't mean those things. I-"

"You didn't mean them?! After all the times you repeated them to me?" She shouts at me.

"I'm sorry, I would take them back if I could."

"Of course you would, everyone would." She mutters that wiping her face of more tears.

"Please listen to me." I whisper to me.

"I'm listening." She says quietly.

"I don't know why I started bulling you. It was all a big accident-"

"So was I, according to you." She mumbles.

"The point is that, I want us to be somewhat friends. I don't even know. I have a problem, okay?" I run a hand through my hair.

"So you're taking your problem out on me?" She points at herself.

"No you are-no, calum-I-I-"

"I've been listening to you 'I-I-I-' for like two minutes, just spit it out already." She spits at me. I didn't mean to make her mad. This going nothing like I planned.

"I have to go." I sigh standing up.

"The door's that way." She points to it. I guess I'll be showing myself out. Looks like I'll be telling her I like her tomorrow.

-I know this is short
-but here's the little part thing.
-I went to Ross
-bought my first pair of joggers and I dress I'll be wearing at a school thing we have tomorrow.
-follow my school friends
-I don't even know if they use them anymore.
-but just follow them in case they are.
-well that's it for this chapter
-follow my friendies
-bye guys

Bullied by Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now