Chapter 41

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I walk alone down the sidewalk to my school. I had dropped by Bri's place to ask if she wanted to walk with me but she had already left.

My mom had told me some news last night. Turns out we're gonna be getting a new baby in the family. I get kicked out of my thoughts when I'm pushed to the ground from behind.

"Look who it is, girls." Missy says to her group. "The school whore." They all snicker.

"I didn't mean to do it Missy. He-"

"As if I want to hear anything out of your slut mouth." I closed my mouth, not attempting to talk again. "This only the beginning, bitch." She spits before walking away with her friends.

A few people crowd around me seeing that I'm in pain.

"That was just harsh." One of them whisper to another while a third one helps me up.

"Are you alright?" The brunette asks as she gives me a hand.

"Yeah, thanks." I answer.

"Do you know her?" A black haired boy asks.

"Yes, I do." I sigh.

"We all transferred from a different school, would you mind showing us around?" A girl with orange hair asks.

"Yeah, sure." I say.

"My name is Ally. These are my friends, Jessi and Thomas."

"Nice to meet you all." I smile.

"What's up with that girl?" Thomas asks.

"Who Missy? Yeah she's just like that." I sigh rearranging my jacket.

"Missy? I would be mad all the time too if my parents named me Missy." Jessi giggles.

"Jessi, don't be mean." Ally nudges her.

"Right." She pulled a serious face after clearing her throat making my laugh. "I can't do it!" She laughs hard.

"Effort for trying." Thomas chuckles tapping her shoulder.

"Anyway, do you know where Mrs. Kate's class is?" Ally asks.

"Yeah, she's my first period."

"What about Dr. Gavin?" Jessi asks.

"I don't have him but I know where he is." I tell her.

"Oh, and I need Mr. Quinn." Thomas reads off his paper.

"I'll show you where they are." I smile first leading Thomas to his class, then Jessi, and finally Ally.

"You should hang out with us." Ally smiles as we walk into the class.

"Sounds fun." I grin.

"Alright, meet up with us in free period in the art room."

"Need help finding that too?" I smirk.

"I'm sure we'll be fine, how hard is it to find an art room." She laughs as sit down and she sits in the empty seat next to me. Other students flood into the classroom, some sitting in their seats, others just chatting it up with some classmates. One happens to include Luke.

"Good morning everyone. My name is Mrs. Kate. And I say that because it looks like we have a new student in the class." She smiles at Ally. "Mind introducing yourself?"

"Uh.." You can face turning redder and redder by the second. Is she okay? "My name is..uh." She stood up staring back at all the eyes in the room. "My name is seven." She says quickly. I can see her mentally face palm. I decide to stand up and help her out.

"Hi." I wave to the class. No one waves back. "This is Ally, she just transferred here." I tell them. The class remains silent. I sit back down. "You can sit down now." I whisper to her. She sits, roughly wiping the sweat from her forehead. Mrs. Kate rushes to her side.

"Are you alright, Ally. Would you like some water?" She asks. Ally nods furiously before she gives her a pass to run to the water fountain. She slowly gets up and walks out the class.

"Mrs. Kate, could I please use the restroom?" I ask even though I didn't have to go, I just need to talk to Ally.

"You have to wait for Ally to get back." She tells me.

"But its an emergency." I lie.

"Make it quick." She hands me a pass. I dart out the class room pretending I have to go badly. I jog over to where Ally is drinking gallons of water from the water fountain.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"I'm sorry, I can't talk in front of a crowd." She says quickly.

"That was like 12 people." I chuckle.

"It doesn't matter, whether it's 12 people or 1,200. The anxiety doesn't go away."

"I'm sorry about that."

"It's fine. I was about to have an attack, I'm glad you introduced me." She smiles. "I didn't catch your name."

"Marianna." I say.

"What a nice name."


"You saved me back there, I owe you one." We start to walk back to class.

"No need, I'll always have your back."

-Thomas POV-

I hope Ally's okay. If her anxiety goes haywire, she could have an attack in the middle of her first day. I taught her how to keep it under control, after all, I use to have it myself.

I know that Jessi's fine because she's the outrageous one and doesn't care what people think. She has asthma so she knows when to stop.

We all go way back. When were all maybe 2 or 3, we went to the same daycare. Hillside Daycare. I remember when they all ways let me take the transformers home. I still have them. But when my 6th birthday came up, I knew them still so I invited them and we got even closer from there. That was when Ally saw her first elephant because we had went to the zoo. And Jessi had an asthma attack because we lost her in the butterfly room. It's all kinda funny because she had asked me to hold her inhaler that morning and I had no Idea she would actually use it.

-Jessi POV-

"So I might not be your favorite person, but you probably won't me mine either." I chuckle showing the class the diagram I drew on the board. Dr. Gavin told me to introduce myself so I made a diagram of who I am.

The class stayed silent before I heard a distance voice from the back.

"You're lame." They shouted. The voice sounded like a snobby boy.

"Your mum's lame!" I yell at them. The class laughs. I'm British decent but I'm mostly American so the accent tends to peek through my American one every now and then.

"Ms. Bryon." Mr. Gavin says stopping me from continuing.

"Your whole generation's lame."

"You're in the generation!"

"You're stupid!"

"Take that back!"

"Whoever that is, please stop." Our teacher interrupts. "You may have a seat Jessi. Thank you for the diagram." He says. I smile as I walk to my seat in the front row. I feel something light hit the back of my head as he continues his lesson. I look down to see a paper ball.

"I swear, I will slap you!" I shout.

"Is that as a threat? Mr. Gavin asks.

"If whoever that is doesn't shut up, it will be a promise." I tell him.

-hello there
-so here is the amazing chapter 41
-meet Ally, Jessi, and Thomas
-I feel so 5sos rn
-anyway, I'm gonna end this here
-see you guys in the next chapter

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