Chapter 24

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-Marianna POV-
"Can I trust him?" I ask as we sit on the floor of Michael's bedroom playing COD Ghost.

"I wouldn't. Even if that girl did kiss him first he didn't try to stop it, did he?"

"I don't know. Bri's sending me pictures of him. When I told her he wasn't my boyfriend, he started crying. I don't know what to do." I pause the game and check my phone.

"Living life doesn't come with an instruction manual. Some times you have to make your own rules." He smiles putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Inspirational." I giggle standing up.

"Let's go somewhere. It'll help you get your mind off things." I nod. He leads me out of the room to where our things are.

"I really wanna see that movie, Four. I've only read the first book but it just looks so cool." I chuckle sliding my jacket sleeves over my arms.

"Four? That sounds like a dumb movie title." He laughs.

"Trust me, its not. Let's go." I smile pulling him out the door.


"See, wasn't it great?" I laugh as we walk out the movie theater.

"It was quite interesting." He chuckles. We walk to his car and get in. I sit in the passenger seat an buckle my seat belt. I stop him before he pulls out the parking lot.

"Put your seat belt on." I tell him.

"Fine mum." He chuckles sarcastically, pulling it around himself.

"Now we can go." I smile, he nods and we leave. "So..."

"So?" He looks over at me then back at the road.

"I don't know. I don't like silence." I chuckle.

"That's one thing we don't have in common. I like silence. But when it gets too silent, I yell."

"I never heard you yell. You seem really intimidating at first glance, and if can't imagine you with a loud voice too." I laugh.

"Well I don't really yell anymore. The last time I did, I got punched in the face." His smile drops a little. I poke his cheek as he concentrates on the road.

"Show that smile again. I liked it." I say. He pulls a fake smile that's really big. "That's not real." I laugh. His smile gets smaller but I can tell it's true by the crinkles next to his eyes. "Much better." I smile myself.

"We're almost back to my place, what do you wanna do?" He glances at me then back at the road.

"Well we can order pizza and-"

"Let's build a fort!" He smiles cutting me off.

"Sounds good to me." I chuckle. We pull up to the house shortly after.

"Come on, this fort's gonna be so awesome!" He says running into the house, his face gleaming with excitement. I follow behind him. I go straight to the kitchen and lean on the countertop.

"Hello, Little Caesars?" I ask after dialing the number.

"Ew, not them. Call Imo's or Domino's." Michael tells me walking into the living room with blankets and pillows.

"Don't disrespect them. I'm getting deep dish, chill." I said resuming the call.


"Did you get bread sticks?" (Muke? Is that you?) Michael asks as we throw a blanket over the chairs he set up. I nod. We hear the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it." I smile walking over to the door. I open the door and see that the pizza's here, I take them out of the pizza guy's hands.

"That'll be $12.35." He says as I walk to the kitchen.

"Michael, pay." I tell him. He gets out of the fort and walks up to the door. He pulls out his wallet and grabs a couple fives and a few ones.

"Keep the change." He says before closing the door. "Can you get some pillows from my room?" He asks.

"Yeah sure." I nod. I walk upstairs and down a hall until I see a door with a sign that says 'Michael' on it. I enter that room.

The room it self is actually pretty nice besides a few clothes on the floor. He has a cool looking guitar in the corner. I walk over to and strum my fingers over it. It has a unique sound.

"Stop playing my guitar!" I laugh as I walk over to Michael's bed we're the pillows are. He has a lot of different colored pillows that all look extremely comfortable. I sit down on his bed and hug one of his pillows close to me.

I lay back and sink into his mattress, forgetting about everything I was supposed to be doing. I sigh as I bring my feet up too, allowing myself to see my patterned socks when I look down.

I stare up at his white ceiling, almost falling asleep before Michael enters the room.

"Get up, the fort's almost done." He chuckles making me groan. "I asked you to do one thing and you almost fall asleep."

"Don't rush me. I don't have to get up." I smirk.

"Yes you do. Or won't get any pizza." He teases leaning on the door frame.

"You can't do that, I ordered it." I smile pointing at myself.

"But I paid." He smirks.

"Whatever." I push past him and walk back down to the fort. "GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE AND HELP ME LOOK FOR A MOVIE!" I shout up at him. He comes down the stairs.

"I hardly let anyone play my guitar. Ashton likes to play it and he sounds worst than you." He laughs. "I have to hide it from him."

"Does he play an instrument too?"

"Well he plays drums. He's not that bad." He shrugs.

"Ever thought about being in a band?"

"Yeah we were. Luke and Calum were in it too. But Luke started being a dick and within weeks, we split up." He tells me sitting in the fort with me. I sigh at the mention of Calum's name.

"I'll get us some pizza." I get up and step out of the fort. I walk into the kitchen and get us each three pieces of pizza. I bring them back to the fort on plates.

"I'm sorry you had to experience that. I should have warned you abou-"

"It's not your fault. I wouldn't have listened anyway." I chuckle cutting him off.

-here's another chapter
-how are you guys?
-I'm not in the best mood because what happened to Ashton completely ruined my day.
-No one deserves to have their privacy invaded like that.
-let's raise the mood a little bit.
-If you are, comment your date and I'll be on my way.
-btw, mines is Friday August 19, 2016 at 7:30pm.
(This chapter is set at night just to clear up any confusion)

Bullied by Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now