Chapter 26

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-Calum POV-

I wake up to the sweet smell of bacon. I know longer feel the soft weight of her legs on my lap so I'm guessing Bri's making breakfast.

I stand up and yawn, walking to the kitchen.

"Making breakfast?" I ask leaning onto the countertop. She turns her head up at me then laughs.

"Uh yeah. You scared me." She laughs, a soft blush rising on her cheeks.

"Did I?" I raise an eyebrow. "You don't seem like the scared type."

"I'm not. I just wasn't expecting you to be up yet."

"So what are you making?" I ask.

"Just some eggs, bacon, and pancakes." She shrugs.

"That sounds nice." I smile.

"Smells like it too." She adds. "I actually wasn't expecting this to turn out good. I'm a terrible cook."

"Still up for that game of FIFA this morning?"

"Mhm." She nods. "We can play after breakfast."

I smile and walk back to the living room where I plop back on the couch and start the game up.

She walks into the living room with plate in each hand. She sets down one on the coffee table before sitting down with one still in her hand.

"This looks edible. I'm surprised." I poke my eggs with my fork.

"Same." She chuckles. A comfortable silence falls over us as we eat, only the sound of silverware on plates keep the house from being entirely quiet.


"So when do you think Anna will come home?" I ask as we pick our teams. I choose Germany again and she picks Japan.

"I don't know. She probably spent the night over Michael's place. He's a pretty good brother." She smiles.

"You think so?" I glance over at her as the game starts.

"Well my brother's kind of an ass, so in my opinion he's a good brother." She laughs.

"I don't have any brothers but my sister's cool." I smile.

"Are you close to your sister?"

"The closest."

"You seem like you are."

"Do you have a sister?" I ask.

"Yep. She is a pain." She stresses the words as I win the round. "That's not fair, you distracted me!" She stands up and points at me with her controller.

"Fine. Let's play again. I won't talk this time." I smirk. She sits back down and waits for me to restart the match. We pick the same teams as last time and start playing.


"YOU JUST CHEATED." She stands up, her eyes not leaving the screen. She stares at the scores.

"What are you talking about, no I didn't." I deny.

"So you didn't just talk to me, after you said you weren't gonna talk to me?" She laughs raising an eyebrow.

"Define talking."

"Sounds that make words from your mouth."

"I was singing. Very short notes." I smirk.

"Whatever. We're done playing for today. I'm going over to Michael's house."

"Can I come?"

"I should probably explain what you did before she decides anything." She says.

"I want to do it. She would probably believe it more coming from my mouth." I tell her standing up as well.

"If you say so. When she breaks up with you on the spot because you wanted to come don't blame me." She chuckles. She puts on her jacket and we walk out the door.

"You really think she will?" I ask closing the door behind me.

"Yep." She nods

"You really aren't much of a sugarcoater, huh?" I laugh shortly.


"Not surprised."

"Think you know everything about me?" She smirks.

"I might."

-Bri POV-

I don't see why Anna would ever wanna break up with this squirrel. He's adorable, funny, and doesn't look too bad either. I have to keep this to myself until I know if he feels the same.

"I've learned a lot of stuff just by observing you." He tells me.

"Creepy. But tell me what you know." I chuckle.

"From the way you smile, I can tell that only a few things make you happy."

"True." I nod.

"From the way you walk, I can tell you're confident in every step you take." He glances at my legs then back at my eyes.

"True again."

"From the way you can easily go to sleep, I can tell you're not always so...emerged in things." He furrowed his eyebrows trying to find the word.

"I guess you could say that. Everything isn't as interesting as you want it to be, ya know." I shrug. He nods.

"Another thing I've noticed is that you it's really easy for you to make friends."

"It is?"

"Yeah. You and I became friends in almost three days. I just used to be your best friend's boyfriend, I may not even be that anymore." He says the last part more to himself.

"I'm sure everything will be fine. She's had some time to think about it, I'm sure she's made her decision." I assure him. "Whether she decided to stay with you or not, it will be okay."

"I hope so, we're almost there."

-hey there
-11:55pm, the night after Christmas and there's horrible thunder outside.
-it's shaken my house quiet a lot today.
-will Bri aim for Calum?
-will Calum aim back?
-how do you think Marianna will react?
-find out later on
-I'll see you guys bright and early tomorrow morning.
-I wake up at 7
-so yea

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