Chapter 20

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-Calum POV-
"Hey Luke, Have you seen Marianna?" I ask him.

"Nope. But I was about to get it in with this brunette chick." He chuckles. I didn't even have time to think before Luke was on the floor and there was blood on my fist. I quickly wiped it on my shirt.

"T-That was an accident." I stutter. It wasn't long before he started randomly swinging at me. People started crowding around us, creating a circle of chanting people.

I was dodging his punches at first but then I got a killer blow to the stomach making all the air leave my lungs. I bent down to catch my breath, looking up at his evil smirk.

He took my hair in his hands and smashed my face on his knee, im sure causing a nose bleed. I stood back up and sighed before trying to swing at him. I caught him off guard with a uppercut that sent him back a few feet.

He walked back to me after getting up, not even looking hurt. He fully picked me up and threw me hard onto the floor. I stayed on my back, attempting to catch my breath again.

He stomped roughly on my chest, keeping his foot there.

"After all these years, I can still beat your ass. Isn't that something?" He chuckles.

"Burn in hell." I say spitting blood out from my mouth onto the floor. He removes his foot and walks away. Before I know it, he's out of the house.

The people turn into a smaller circle around me. The house fills with laughs, my face coated with embarrassment and blood.

"Move please. Get out of my way." Bri says pushing past everyone. "Come on." She puts out a hand for me. I take it and we leave.

"Thank you." I say wiping the blood from my nose. I think he broke it.

"What the heck happened in there and where's my best friend?" She points a finger at me as we walk down the side walk.

"Well Luke and I started fighting because Luke tried to do things to Marianna. And I don't know where she is."

"Well I'll take you to her house. And we'll wait for her there." She tells me. I nod.

"I'll probably be moving out of the house now. We were best friends when we moved in together. Now look, he almost killed me."

"Well I'm sure Michael will let you stay with him for a while."

"Maybe." I sigh. I hope she didn't see me and Bianca. She basically mouth raped me.

"Hey, you look worried. What's up?" Bri nudges me.

"It's nothing. But I think Anna saw my ex girlfriend kiss me. I tried to stop it but she wouldn't let go. I feel so guilty." I breathed out, my shoulders slumping.

"Don't. You didn't kiss back did you?" She asks. I shake my head. "Then you're innocent. I know how much she likes you, it's Michael you have to worry about."


"Turn around." Bri tells me as we step onto her porch. I laugh and do as she says. I hear some shuffling before she tells me to turn back around. She holds a key in her hand that she uses to open Anna's front door.

"Where's her parents?" I ask as we enter.

"I think they went on a honeymoon vacation or something. That's what they told her. I think." She says going back outside to put the key back.

"So she's home alone?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Don't be a perv." She laughs coming back into the house and closing the door behind her. "I think it's only for the next couple days though." She sets down her jacket and purse on the couch. "Go to the bathroom and get some tissue." She tells me. I nod and head to the nearest bathroom and get some off the roll.

"Is my nose still bleeding?" I ask trying to look at it.

"Yep." She walks out the kitchen with an ice pack. She walks up to me and I hand her the tissue. She sticks it in my nose and tilts my head back.

"You might have to go to the hospital. It's really broken." She pokes it.

"It still hurts, ya know."

-Bri POV-

I pull out my phone and take a picture of his injured nose.

"She's gonna love this." I laugh sending it to Marianna. I put my phone away and go back to tending to Calum. "You two dating yet?" I ask putting the ice pack on top of his nose and walking into the bathroom.

I wet a towel with warm water and walk back out to him.

"Yeah, I guess. We started dating on the way to the party." He answers. I wipe away the dry blood that was trailing down his face.

"Keep your head back." I raise his chin so that his nose will stop bleeding. "Wow. That must be rough." I chuckle. "I'm gonna warn you ahead of time. She's gonna break up with you."

"What? Why?" He whines. "Bianca kissed me first."

"She might just let it blow over. But she has one protective brother. That probably won't because you were his friend and he thought he could trust you with his sister."

"But he can trust me."

-so I've recently started winter break
-which means faster updates.
-so anyway
-that's it.

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