Chapter 36

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-Marianna POV-

"We didn't do anything!" Luke yells at me.

"What do you mean we didn't do anything? We just kissed!" I yell back.

"No we didn't." He growls walking up to me. "Anyone finds out about this, your life will be torture." He wraps one of his hands around my neck. I nod as I try to get free and he lets me go, allowing me to drop to the ground where I put on my shirt.

"What about you? You kissed me first." I cough. Why did I just say that?

"What the hell did I just say?" He kneels down to my level. "This never fucking happened." He fists my shirt.

"O-Okay." I stutter hoping he'd let go. Eventually he does. "It never happened, got it." He opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out.

"Just remember that I know where you live." He threatens before walking out of my home leaving me with a dark neck, puffy lips, and a wrinkled shirt. I need to talk to Michael.


"Michael, answer the door!" I shout as I stand on his doorstep. I attempt to call his number for the twelfth time. It goes straight to voicemail. I'm getting worried.

I hesitantly send a text to Calum asking if he's heard from Michael.

C: Yeah, he just texted me a couple hours ago. What's up?
M: that's what I'm trying to find out. What did he say?
C: he said 'lol'
M: Cal I'm really worried. What if something happened.
C: I'm sure everything's alright babe, he's probably just out and his phone's dead.
M: I hope that's the case. If he's hurt, I don't know what I would do.
C: wait an hour or two, I'll tell you if he texts back.
M: thanks Calum

I sit down on his porch. I need to know if he's alright. I have to.

I check the news on my phone, looking for any kind of disasters or accidents that he could have been in. When I see a helicopter view of a car crash I know exactly where he is when I see blue hair through a car window.

I get up from the porch and run to the hospital. Even if though I couldn't run for more than a mile without running out of breath, I didn't stop. I need to know if my brother's okay.

I crash through the hospital doors almost breaking them because they weren't opening fast enough.

"Is Michael Clifford here?" I shout, tears streaming down my face.

"Ma'am, could you please lower your voice?" The desk lady asks.

"Is. My. Brother. Here?" I ask once again, every word sharp and clear.

"What was his name?"

"Michael Gordon Clifford. Is he here?"

"Yes. He is." She tells me.

"Is he okay? Can I see him? Please tell me he's alive."

"Ma'am, he can't have visitors at the moment."

"Do you know if he's okay? What happened?"

"Unknown information." She says looking at he computer.

No. No. No. This isn't happening. I just got my brother back. I'm not losing him again.

"Are you helping him? Is he hurt badly?"

"They're doing everything they can."

"They need to fix him!" I shout, a mixture of sad and frustrated tears rushing down my face. "He can't be dead. He can't be. He's Michael. He doesn't die." I mutter to myself.

"I suggest that you go home-"

"I can't go home, its not safe there!" I sob. "I need my brother. My safe place. Please, let me see him." I whisper.

"He'll be open for visitors in a few hours. You can see him then." She tells me checking the computer one last time. "You're welcome to have a seat in the waiting area." The dreadful leather couches look like the most comfortable places on earth right now. I walk over to one and sit on it.

"I heard what you were saying." A redhead girl says sitting beside me. I'm really not in the mood to talk so I don't respond. "My dad's in here after he had a heart attack and a stroke at the same time last night. I've been waiting ever since." She tells me.

"I'm not really in the mood to talk about how I relate to random people. If heard me, you should know exactly what mood I am in." I say quietly.

"Neither am I and I do. I'm just saying, I know how it feels to feel like you've lost someone before you even know their situation." I don't respond, I just let another tear trail down my cheek before frustratingly wiping it away with a sigh. "I'm talking to you because I wanted to give you comfort."

"Thanks for trying but I really don't feel like discussing my feelings. Or even talking."

"I'll let you be. Just call me over if you want to talk. My name's April by the way." She says walking into an entirely different room.

What do I do? What can I do? My only brother's in the hospital from a car crash. There was no way I could stop it. I can't lose him. And I won't.

If he gets lost, I'm leaving with him.

-*clears throat for 3 minutes*
-how are your days going?
-hope they're going great
-or if you're reading this at night,
-hope your dreams are filled with Michael and darkness.
-like mine
-see you guys later

Bullied by Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now