Chapter 9

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-Calum POV-

It was really dark out right now but her eyes shined brighter than all the stars in the universe combined.

"You've been looking at me for like 15 minutes." She laughed.

"It's just that, you're so pretty." I blushed looking down.

"Shut up." She laughing lightly shoving me. I put my arm around her shoulder, bringing her close to me.

"I really do like you though." I placed my head on her other shoulder. I froze in place after realizing what I just said.

"What?" She said stopping also.

"Nothing, that wasn't supposed to be out loud." I chuckled blushing in embarrassment.

"Okay." She continued walked with me right by her side.

-Marianna POV-

I heard what he said. I just wasn't prepared for it. I liked him too but if I told him, that would probably lead to a relationship in which I am not ready for. This would be my first one and it's going a little to quick for me.

I just ignored it and continued to walk to Mikey's with Calum next to me.

We didn't talk much for the rest of the walk, just some quiet laughing after making eye contact for a couple seconds.

When we finally got there, he knocked on the door and Mikey showed up after it opened.

"Hey guys. Come in." He smiled. We walked in and closed the door behind us.

Seeing Michael again reminded me of the memories from this morning. The ones that had to do with finding out I had a brother for the first time.

"So..." I said. "Wassup."

"Hello." Ashton smiled.

"Want to watch a movie?" Michael asked.

"Guess so." I shrugged. We sat down in front of the couch while Michael choose a movie. I wonder when he was gonna tell Calum.

"Whatcha gonna choose Mikey?" I smiled poking his butt as he stood in front of me.

"Don't touch my butt." He laughed swatting my hand away.

"You can't tell me what to do. You're not my dad." I grinned crossing my arms.

"I can tell you what to do because i'm older than you." He smirked putting a movie in and sitting down next to me. Calum put his arm around me as it started. I cuddled into his chest.

Michael threw a serious glance at Calum, then a protective one at me.

"Relax Mikey." I whispered making sure Calum didn't hear. He rolled his eyes before going back to the movie.

I looked up at Calum to see if he had heard. After seeing him completely unfazed, I placed a soft gentle kiss on his jaw bone.

"What was that for?" He looked down at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"Oh, no reason." I smirked. I looked over at Michael who was glaring at me angrily. I continued what I was doing with Calum until I was pecking at the corners of his lips.

"Enough. Calum come with me." Michael said getting up. He lifted up Calum by his shirt until he was on his feet. Then he dragged him into a room by his ear, Calum ouching all the way.

-Calum POV-

"Why did you do that?" I asked Michael as he closed the door to a room. It's a game room.

"Because Marianna was all over you."

"What can I say, i'm a chick magnet." I dust imaginary dust off my shoulders.

"Call my sister a chick again and your face will meet my fist." He said. I was completely thrown off. He said she's his...sister?

"Did you say sister?" I raised both of my eyebrows. "Sorry dude, I didn't know."

"I see you want her. You can have her. But if you hurt her. I will hurt you. With a fork." I started freaking out after he said he would hurt me with a fork.

"Listen dude. I didn't come on to her earlier. She just started kissing m- I had no idea what was going o-"

"Relax Calum. I don't know why you're so nervous all of a sudden. I'm not that scary." He chuckles walking out the door. I follow him back to the couch.

-Marianna POV-

Calum sits down next to me again. He looks shaken.

"Are you alright, Calum? You look a bit...scared." I asked. He looked down at me and nodded.

"Yep. I'm perfectly fine. In fact, I don't ever think I've been more fine." He's obviously afraid of something. Jesus, What did Michael do to him?

-hi guys.
-its been a while huh.
-its good to be back.
-im excited for the parts ahead.
-i'm gonna go.
-my a/ns are pretty useless.
-see ya.

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