Chapter 8

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-Michael POV-

After I dropped Anna off I started to drive to my dad's house. I really like the idea of having a little sister. It wasn't easy growing up by myself. Having to do all the house chores myself, having no one to play with because I didn't used to go outside a lot as a kid. But now I have someone to hang out with if I go outside.

When I arrived home, I got out my dad's car and entered the house.

"Dad." I said after seeing him sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Yeah Michael?" He asked looking back at me.

"I have a sister. Why have you never told me?" I asked.

"Because I don't want to see her mother." He replied simply.

"That's a really petty reason to keep my only sibling away from me all my life." I crossed my arms.

"You have a point Mikey. About a year after I left your mother, I completely forgot about them about so I could focus on raising you." He said.

"But h-how? We're Australian and she's not."

"Well, you were born in Australia and she was born in the US. About a year after you were born, we moved here and a year later, she was born." I sighed and walked up to my old room, closing the door behind me.

I retraced my memories. Going over the ones that included Calum and Luke.

Calum said he liked her. He said he likes the girl Luke bullies. Luke bullies my sister. Luke. Bullies. My. Sister.

I pulled my phone out my pocket and called Ashton. I would leave to go back to our flat but I don't really want to.

"Hello?" Ashton asked over the phone, his voice tired.

"Ashton we need to talk." I said sternly.

"Well I'm here when you decide to come home." He yawned. I must have woken him up from a nap or something.

"There's something important you need to know about Marianna." I told him.

"Do you like her?" He chuckled.

"No. I would nev- absolutely not. Gross." I scoffed.

"Well what is it then?" He asked completely clueless.

"I'm coming home. This is really serious." I told him before leaving my bedroom.

"See you later dad. I'm heading home." I told him leaving the house. I decided to leave his car there and walk home instead. I could use the exercise.


When I arrived to my flat, I walked in and saw a sleeping Ashton. He was laying on the lounge with his phone still on his ear the dial tone lowly played through the silent house.

I walked over to him and took the phone out of his hand waking him up.

He made a sharp gasp before looking up at me.

"I had the worst dream." He laughed putting one of his large hands over his chest as I sat his phone on the coffee table.

"We'll talk about it later, I have something important to tell you." I smiled. He nodded waiting for me to tell. "I have a sister."

"Oh my gosh, really?" His eyes widened. He quickly went to the kitchen and grabbed a bag of chips before opening it on his way back. "Who is it?"

"My sister is Marianna." I smiled.

"What." He choked on his chips. "How?" He sat back down on the sofa next to me.

"I don't even know but what I do know is that I have a sister!" I chuckled.

"What about Calum? It's obvious he's got something for her."

"He won't lay a finger on anything but her arms without my permission." I said firmly stating a rule he will definitely follow.

"And Lucas?" He asked quietly.

"Well, he can do what ever he wants to me, but it stops there. I'll make sure he won't hurt her." I looked down at the floor then at Ashton. "I'll find a way."

"Let's just hope for the best. Want Calum and Marianna to come over, so we can just hang out?" He asked. "It's been so tense lately." He giggled. His giggle always made me feel happy for some reason.

"Yeah." I smiled. "Calum is the only one that has her number so tell him to bring Marianna with him." Ashton nodded and picked up his phone, calling Calum.

-Marianna POV-

I was just relaxing on my bed, thinking about having a brother. With a brother like Michael, I could already see the pranks coming my way, and I would laugh along with him because we have a very a like sense of humor, and then he would leave and I would have to clean up all by myself, and then I would get payback. That doesn't sound to bad actually.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing.

"Hello." I said picking it up.

"Hey Anna, its Calum. Can I have your address? Ashton and Michael want to hang out and they told me to pick you up." He said.

"Yeah sure." I smiled as I told him my address.

"Thanks, I'll be at your house in 5." He said.

"Okay, bye Calum." I smiled pressing end. I got up off my bed and walked over to my dresser to get some clothes, wincing at the the slight pain I would get when I would bend my legs.

I looked at my legs, still splattered with small black and blue bruises. Which means, still no shorts. I pulled out some grey joggers and a black tank top, making sure to get a hoddie to cover my arms and face, even if they already know.

I slid on some Vans and sat on my bed, skimming through Tumblr until I heard the door bell ring. Seconds later my mom opened my bedroom door.

"A boy is at the door for you. We'll talk about this later." She said before walking away.

I put my phone into my hoodie pocket then walked downstairs to the door where Calum stood on his phone.

"Hey Calum." I smiled making him look up.

"Oh hey. Ready to go?" He smiled.

"Yep." I nodded.

"Okay let's go." He took my small hand in his and intertwined our fingers as we walked down my driveway and to Mikey's flat.

-surprise update!
-are you guys surprised?
-you're not are you. Okay.
-so anyways.
-what's up guys!
-I've decided to try and update 2 chapters of this book every Friday. But I can't make any promises.
-anyways, school started last week. It sucks balls.
-I'm gonna go, I've got homework to do.
-love you guys

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