Chapter 53

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-Luke POV-

My heart beats heavily in my chest, I'm surprised its not showing through my shirt.

"Marianna, I need an answer." I request holding on to both of her wrists.


"You can trust me to tell me that he's mine. I won't harm him or you in anyway, I just need to know. Please."

"" She stutters on.

"Just a simple yes or no would be nice." I bring a light smile.

-Marianna POV-

I trust him. I can't stall any longer, I have to tell him. I trust that he will keep his promise and not hurt us in any way. I can't stay in my thoughts any longer with Luke staring at my head like he's trying to read my mind.

"Okay." I look down and prepare to tell him the answer. "Yes." I lock my eyes closed waiting for any type of pain. Maybe even some harsh words of yelling. I hear nothing, I feel nothing. I look up, he's no longer standing in front of me. He left. Again.

I knew he wouldn't keep his promise. He left us, right after I told him something I have been hiding for years.

I walk to the couch and pick up Logan. He snuggles into my shoulder as I carry him upstairs to my room. I'm guessing that Bri got Maddy because she's no longer in the bed. She must have woken up. I put Logan down and start my nightly routine. Starting with a shower.

After my shower I put on some pink shorts and a black t-shirt. I put my hair up into a high ponytail and walk to my bed, sitting down and pushing my legs under the cover. I remember back when it was hard to move my legs and I would bruises any time I looked at them. Glad that's over.

I hold Logan close to my stomach. "Goodnight Logan, I love you." I place a soft kiss on his forehead before slowly drifting off to sleep.


I wake to Logan shouting.

"Luke!" He's back. But I hold my eyes closed when I hear Luke whisper something.

"Shh, you're gonna wake up your mummy."


"I got you guys presents."

"Presents!" Logan shouts. At this moment, I pretend to just now wake up.

"What are you doing back here?" I pick up Logan and put him on my lap.

"I know what you're thinking. I didn't leave you last night, I just went shopping." He smiles.

"What did you buy?"

"Get Bri and come downstairs." He picks up Logan off of my lap and walks downstairs with him. I get up out of the bed and walk to Bri's room where she still sit sleeping with Maddy by her side.

"Get up Bri." I whisper shaking her.

"Thanks so much for ruining the best dream of my life." She chuckles.

"Come on, we got to go downstairs. Luke has gifts." I smile. She gets up and picks up Maddy, placing her on her hip. We all go downstairs, and at the bottom step I can already see a bunch of bags.

"There you guys are. Hope you don't mind, Logan already opened one of his." Luke smiles showing us that Logan has a spy set. He runs around the room with a walkie talkie in his hand, mumbling stuff.

"You bought all of this?" I ask. He nods. "How much did it cost?"

"Don't worry about that. Just know that you guys were worth the price." He tells me.

"That's sweet." I chuckle.

"Open your gifts." He smiles. Both of us sit down in front of bags that have my name written on them. I pick up the first one and look through it. A black dress sits at the bottom. I pull it out and examine it. It's strapless and looks pretty.

"What's this for?"

"Who knows?" He laughs looking away. There seems to be something else in the bag. A pair of black heels.

"You want to take me out, don't you?" I smirk.

"Well do you want me to take you out?"

"You've bought this stuff for a night out, I couldn't say no."

"Alright. How about 7, tonight." He puts an arm around me.

"Yeah, sure." I nod. I go back to looking through the bags. The second one is just full of nicely folded clothes along with a couple pairs or converses and vans.

"How did you know my size in anything?" I giggle.

"I took a guess." He chuckles. I put that aside and look in the last one that seems to be smaller than all the other ones. At the bottom of the bag is a rectangular box. He stares at me as I open it, studying my expression. A silver necklace sits inside. At the bottom of the necklace is a charm. It's a cloud.

"Thank you so much, Luke." I bring him into a tight hug. I turn around so that he can put the necklace on for me. I realize the necklace wasn't the only thing in the bag. Another two boxes sit at the bottom. I pick up one and inside, is a bracelet. It's inscribed with the word Family.

"I have the other one." He puts his wrist out show that he has the same bracelet but his reads My. I feel ready to explode with happiness but I can't. My inner thoughts push happiness into the back of my mind.

The last box holds a pair of earrings. Each of them, a little silver cloud with diamonds surrounding the edges.

"I can't thank you enough." I sigh. "All this stuff is beyond thankable, you really didn't have too."

"But I really wanted to." He whispers placing a kiss on my cheek.

-hey guys
-I apologize for that a/n yesterday
-I was really hype.
-anyway, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter
-I have 1 minute before I have to get up and go to school so yeah
-I guess I'll go now
-see you guys later

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