"I love you." He whispered in my ear as he kissed my cheek.

"I love you to." I whispered.

He kissed my lips again and we sat there, laying on the grass in the shade...

"Were here!" My mother startled me and I jumped back to reality. The flashback was much too real. I looked at my mom and her face was full of concern. I realized I had been crying this whole time.

"Why are you crying honey?" Her voice full of worry. Crap. I hate myself for being so emotional.

I faked a smiled and managed to come up with lie. "Oh mom. I was just remembering all the good times I had here. Tears of joy I guess." She smiled and I got out of the car.

I looked around at the many people walking around going and coming out of stores. So many new stores and so many gone. I scanned the isles of the stores till I saw one I remembered. An old CD store that I always would get my stuff from. My friends and I always went there. I can't believe it was still here!

"Um mom?" I asked and she turned around to face me. "Would you mind if I just quickly went over to that store?" I said, pointing.

She frowned. "You want to leave already?" She asked in a disappointed tone.

"No, I just remember the store and I kind of want to check it out. I wouldn't be long." I smiled and put my hands together to beg.

"Okay, fine but just for a bit. I want to spend time with you. We all do." She sounded upset which made me hesitate on going but I would be back soon. I just wanted to look.

I walked over to the store and pushed the door open. The walls were covered in band posters just like before but new ones. I even saw ours which made me smile. The store was huge and was playing a song I recognized. This was a true paradise for me.

I walked over to the racks and started flipping through CDs. They had every kind of rock, screamo, and heavy metal band you could think of here.

I looked around the store and saw a clothing area. That was new.

I walked over and starting flipping through the rack when a voice began speaking from behind me.

"Oh my gosh! Stage Taylor!?" An unfamiliar voice of a girl screamed.

I turned around and saw three girls staring at me with big bug eyes and big jaw dropped mouths.

"Yeah." I said smiling as I walked over to them.

"W-would you mind signing something for my friends and I? I'm a huge ass fan and I would just love it if you did!" The expression on her face was so excited.

"Sure." I said laughing. The girl started to search her purse for a pen and paper. She managed to find a sharpie and some napkins. Close enough.

I grabbed the sharpie and napkin and placed it on my knee so I could write. I quickly signed my name in sharpie and handed it off to the first girl, I signed the other napkin and gave it to the second girl, and then I signed the last napkin and handed it off to the third girl.

"Thank you so so so much Stage!" One of the girls squealed and walked away. I just silently laughed to myself.

I went back to the clothes rack and picked out a really cool dress. It was short and black with a studded belt. I looked at the price tag and it I knew I just had to buy it.

I walked up the front desk and rung the service bell. No one came. As I waited, I pulled out my wallet and searched it for the money.

"Can I help you?" Asked the guy in front of me.

"Yeah just let m-" I froze when I looked up. Just me, staring at his face and he stared back. No one spoke, just staring occurred. Then he looked away. It was Jake.

"Can I help you?" He asked again.

Me, still staring, I looked away and grabbed the money from my wallet. "Yes, I want to buy this." and I pulled the dress from under my arm and placed it on the counter. He quickly swiped the tag.

"That will be $28.79." He said and I handed him the money.

He put the dress in a bag and handed it to me. "Have a nice day." he said and started to walk off.

I just stood there but I knew this happened for a reason. Everything always happens for a reason.

"Jake," I said and he turned around to look at me. "we should talk some time." I said. I was trying to smile but nothing came on my face. I just stood there, staring at him.

"Sure." He said and walked off in to the back room. In not effort to reply to m

y question at all. I could tell that sure meant nothing. Why would he want to talk? Why did I feel like the bad guy here? Maybe some things are better left unknown.


Note: I FINALLY UPLOADED! :D I have been waiting forever to upload this part of the story because it's just so awkward and I love writing awkward moments <3. Hahaha! Well the picture is of Stage and Jake laying in the field like in Stage's flash back! Isn't it cute???? Yes, yes it is. :D Also, I have dedicated this to my friend because today is her birthday and my friends are the people who inspire me to write! <3 Comment, vote, or fan? Do what ever you want! ;)

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