Our Little Secret

Start from the beginning

"It's not depression!" She told him, her voice weakening. "It... Gives me something else to think about."

Sighing, Will started for the kitchen in search for something to give her. After rummaging through the pantry for a moment, he pulled out a package of instant noodles and started boiling them over the stovetop.

"I thought you couldn't cook," Regina said to him nonchalantly.

"I have surprises here and there." He replied, grabbing a few slices of bread Roland had left out and walking back over to her. "But you gotta eat something."

Regina scowled at him again. "You can't force me to do anything."

Sitting down next to her, Will thought out the options in his head. "Well if you don't I'll have to call Dr. Whale and tell him-"

"No," she interrupted, "tell anyone and I swear I'll make you regret it."

Will rolled his eyes. "There has to be something that'll get you to listen to me." He felt like he was having a conversation with an abstinent child. "I'll answer any questions you have about me if you eat these three pieces of bread, how about that."

He could sense a flicker of light go off in her eyes as soon as he said this.

"Using secrets to get what you want," Regina muttered, "not bad."

She reluctantly took the bread from him and tore off a piece, sticking it in her mouth.

"So why isn't your last name the same as Robin's?" She began, "it doesn't make any sense."

Will prepared himself for the questions. He hated answering them (especially honestly) but he knew it had to be done sooner or later.

"I did originally, but when I wound up in Wonderland and got a position as the knave of hearts they changed it."

Regina didn't realize how hungry she really was until she finally began eating again. Now that she did, she found that she couldn't stop.

"Knave of hearts... Sounds professional." She mused, almost smiling.

"Nah, wasn't that hard of a job."

Then, Regina realized something. "Wait, did you serve the Queen of Hearts then?"

He nodded. Regina couldnt keep the surprise off her face. "Oh my God, the Queen of Hearts is- was, my mother! You served after my mother for who knows how long?"

Will raised his eyebrows. "She was your mom? How can that be- you two aren't alike at all!"

His words surprised her. All her life, people had been telling her that she was exactly like the woman who had ruined her.

"Well it's true," she said, "I sent her there actually, because I was so fed up with her and the things she did to me."

He still looked stunned. "Wow. I'll add that to the 'confusing things I know about the evil queen' list."

Regina laughed slightly. There were many more things he could put in that category.

She took another bite. "So how'd you end up in Wonderland in the first place?"
Will looked down at his hands. This was the question he had been dreading.

"I might as well just start from the beginning," he said, having to remember himself what happened all those years ago.

"So we had a pretty normal family back then, with Robin. He's about four years older than me, always messed with me like a brother should. But when I was eight, our mother died. It wasn't that 'she got sick' type deal either; she was down at the river one day, and a storm came in out of nowhere. Just like that- she drowned before anyone could find her." He watched Regina's face fall slightly. Little did he know she knew exactly how fragile life could be.

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