16. Where How and Who ?

Start from the beginning

"What ," I say . 

"Yah you I thought you liked ha-,"

She cuts off as Ji Soo enters in giving her , her water . We became Silent and Ji Soo looks at the both of us .

"Is something wrong ?,"He asked.

"No it's nothing ,"Joy replied .

Tuesday morning  ~

Halla POV

I was finally out of the hospital and went back to my dorms! When I got back laying on my bed it felt nice to be back . The hospital always smelled like death ,sadness , gross cherry flavored medicine and old people .Just awful . Aish i'm so behind in school -_-...

I grabbed my phone and called Ji Soo .
He didn't pick up so I tried again. Still nothing -_- . I tried Jungkook and he answered.

Jungkook- why did you call
Me- ..-_- to see how you are its been 2 weeks scenes I've seen you and Ji Soo what's up with that ?
Jungkook-Oh Ji Soo had.. acting stuff to deal with as me and my hyungs got busy
Me-Oh Okay
Jungkook -Gotta go bye


I hung the phone up looked at it . Phone somethings up ? I'd got a lot of catching up to do ! I walked out and no one was here . I looked on the table and there was a note Minju wrote.

Out shopping if your wondering wear we where ! Don't worry will be back soon to cook you a Big Dinner!

Love you Halla

~ Minju
Jane <3

I grinded and herd the door open . All my members stormed in seeing Me.

They all came in with one big group hug ! I embraced it all and laughed .

They had grocery and I was hungry . 

"Minju are you cooking ?,"I asked .

"Yes with Yujin so the food will be done faster ,"She smiles .

"I wanna help please ,"Jane bagged .

"Sure now let's start ,"Minju says .

As Jane,Yujin,and Minju where cooking Yuna set the table .

"Can I help ,"I asked Yuna.

"No you sit and wait ,"She tells me .

"Oh come one on I've been doing that for the past 2 weeks i wanna be alive ,"I say jumping around near Yuna .

"Aish okay go get chopsticks for everyone ,"She tells me .

"Ne,"I say as if I was a solider .

Yuna laughs as I walked into the kitchen.

"Oh smells good Minju ,"I commented .

(Jungkook X Halla fanfic ) The ProcessingWhere stories live. Discover now