Photograph (Riley)

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~~~~~I woke up and looked out of the window to the guard tower. Carl was still asleep and looked like an angel.
I tied my laces and put on my sweater, I then grabbed the rifle and took watch. It was early in the morning and I usually take the first shift.

"Babe?" I heard from behind me and I turned around, Carl pushed back his hair and stood up.

"You look cute when you sleep." I told him and he smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

"Go get some breakfast, I'll take watch." He told me and I did. I walked into the prison and saw that Beth was awake.

"Mornin'" She said with her sweet southern accent.

"Good morning, what's on the menu today?" I ask kindly and she hands me two granola bars.

"Ones for Carl, I know you two slept up there last night." I blushed and nodded my head.

"Don't tell Rick." I smile and she puts a finger over her lips.

"Oh wait, Riley here." She handed me an old camera, the kind that developed the picture.

"That's so cool, thanks!" I thank her happily and put the strap around my neck as I open my granola bar.

The heavy metal door opens and I step outside and make my way back to the guard tower.

"I got you some food." I inform him and lazily put one arm around him and rest me head on his shoulder.

"Thanks, beautiful." He says and I blush, he's always been such a sweetheart.

He looks at me and I snap a picture of him. I take it out and wave or around for a minute or two and it developed.

"I'm keeping this forever." I tell him and give him a small kiss.

"You don't need a photograph, I'm right here. I'll always be right here." He smiles and kisses my forehead.

"I love you." I tell him.

"And I love you." ~~~~~

Carl Grimes & Chandler Riggs One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now