66. #90 Vlad Namestnikov (Tampa Bay Lightning)

Comenzar desde el principio

He used a moment of your babbling to get to the entrance first: "Guess I am dating a rotten egg now."

"I hate you," you fake a pout and look at him with big puppy eyes.

"I am not buying that again, sweetie," he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into a hug before pulling the wallet out of his pocket: "Come on, Falcon's Fury is waiting for you."

"F-Falcon's Fury?" you look at him wide-eyed and gulp hard. You hate free-drops and Falcon's Fury is your nightmare. You nearly went once, but changed your mind before doing it.

"Come on, Y/N, what could go wrong? Beside I will be right there next to you. Please?"

Now it's his turn to look at you with those big begging eyes, which melt your heart: "Fine. But only once, okay?"

"Sure thing, babe! Thank you," he gives you a wet smooch on a cheek and laughs at your expression before grabbing your hand and leading you to the cashier counter.

When you stand beneath the Falcon's Fury and holding hands with him, your breathing becomes labored.

"Vlad... I- I can't do this. This thing is huge and...I am scared of heights."

He wordlessly cups your face and places a soft kiss on your lips: "We don't have to do this if you are too scared..."

You really don't want to do this, but you know nothing bad will happen to you. And you feel Vlad really wants to go...with you. Not alone or with anyone else, but with you.

"I will be fine. Let's go."
"I don't want you to feel forced..."
You cup his face and smile, giving him a small peck: "I will be fine, I promise. Beside, you'll be next to me."

He holds your hands and moves them from his face: "Will never leave your side. Promise."

With your hand still in his, he heads towards the gate. Your hand in his becomes a bit sweaty and he looks at you again. You smile and nod your head: "I will be fine."

When you sit on the Falcon's Fury's seats, you start feeling a bit light-headed. You really, really, really dislike heights and you hate free falls.

Vlad notices your face and turns your face to look at him: "Listen, Y/N, you can still change your mind."
"No, Vlad, I am okay. Just...will you hold my hand?"
"For the entire time."

His fingers intertwine with yours and you feel yourself slightly relax. Everything will be fine.

After you survive Falcon's Fury, your eyes are glimmering: "I survived, Vlad! Thank you for taking me here!"
"So you liked it?"
"Yeah. Well...It was good," you quickly add before he could suggest another adrenalin thing to try out. He puts his arm around your shoulders and leads you away: "So, where would you like to go next?"

You look around and suggest: "What if we try out as much attractions as we can?"
"Craving for adrenalin rush?"
"Maybe a tiny bit..."

"Then let's go," he takes your hand and drags you to the next ride. You let him take you to the other rides, laughing at his enthusiasm. Really, it is adorable how rides like that can change a professional hockey player into a big kid. And you realize he can bring the adventurous side of you out.

"What would you like to do now?" Vlad asks and holds your hand after you've tried out every single ride in the park. You swing your hands back and forth and smile at him: "Maybe it's time for Tampa Aquarium now?"

"I've been waiting for you to say that!" he smiles excitedly and pulls you after him. Once in a car, he holds your hand and asks while driving with one hand: "So, how do you feel?"
"Actually, pretty good. Never expected rides to be that fun."
"I told you, you'd like them. And you see, I never left you. And I never will."

You look at him, but his gaze is focused on the road. Was he talking about starting a family with you or did you only just imagined it?

Soon, he parks in front of a Tampa Aquarium and hurries to your side, opening the door for you. He stretches his arms: "M' lady."
"Thank you very much, kind sir," you laugh and take his hand. He pulls you out of the car straight into his embrace. You lean your head on his shoulder while his arms lock on your back.

"I love you," he whispers in your hair and you turn your head to peck his chin.

"Come on, let's get in. Sharks won't wait."

Running like two kids, you soon reach the cashier and he buys two tickets. While watching the sharks he turns you around, so now you are facing him. In a blue light of the sea tank you see his eyes glimmer with excitement. Before comprehending anything, he gets down on one knee and pulls a black velvet jewelry box from a pocket of his jacket. You cover your mouth in shock as your eyes start watering up.

"Y/N Y/M/N Y/F/N, ever since we met you've been making my an interesting roller coaster ride, that's also why I forced you to suffer with me on all those rides, but that's isn't important now. The point is, because of you, my life is interesting, full, fun, exciting. To sum things up, because of you, I enjoy my life. You are the greatest inspiration and the best girlfriend anyone could ever asked for. I love you and I hope one day, quite soon, you'll be a great wife and mother when the time is right. Ты выйдешь замуж за меня? (Will you marry me)"

"Yes, Vladislav Yevgenievich Namesnikov, I will marry you!"

Cold silver band slips up your finger and next thing you know is your boyfriend, sorry, fiancé, pulling you into a hug, lifting you off the ground and spinning you around right in front of a shark tank. With all the people watching and few of them clapping. But you honestly don't care. Finally, you are engaged to the most wonderful man in Florida or maybe on the entire world. Certainly the only one for you on the entire world.

Also (and I hate asking) I've posted Jack O'Callahan fanfiction and your opinions would mean a lot to me:) 

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