Stiles Stilinski

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I deleted a part for this but I'll republish it on 'Random Fandom Imagines Part 2'

For past months you've been dating Stiles. And you would do anything for him, one problem you promised your mom. That you'll keep your purity until you get married, ever since she found out that Scott lost his. And you are committed to the promise, that only you and your family knew
"Come on (y/n), We're ready, why can't we do it already ," Stiles so eager to know,walking behind you as you walk to your car. "Because I can't, Stiles," You say, turning around. "I'll call you later Stiles", You said and quickly gave him a peak on the lips. And got in your car.
"Why won't you tell me," Stiles asked your older brother,Scott. "Because it's non of my business Stiles," Scott replied to him irritated "She'll tell you when she's ready" "okay I'll wait" Stiles said worried. Thinking that something was wrong.
You were sitting in your room studying as you heard something hitting you window. You slowly walk to the window and open it slowly. First thing you notice is your boyfriend, Stiles standing there. "What are you doing out here" "I came to talk" "You could have used the front door" "Right I didn't think of that" "just go to the door, I'll be there to open it" "okay" he mouths as he ran to your front door
"My mom wasn't home you could have use the key Scott gave you"
You said confused "Right yet again I didn't think of that, is Scott here or are you alone" he said curiously "No just me" you replied cheerfully "Good we need to talk" "okay"
You two sat in your bedroom awkwardly. "Okay,let me get right to the point, why can't we have sex" "Stiles, Is that all you think about"
"Look (y/n), I love you but just tell me" you didn't answer. You didn't think he'll understand the pressure you have from him or your mom.
You start to tear up. "(Y/n)" Your boyfriend said worried. "Stiles I made a promise to my mom that I won't have sex until I get married." "Why did you tell me" "Because I knew that I won't be able to Please you" "(y/n)" "JUST GO STILES" you say bursting in tears. "Go where" he says raising is voice a little louder. "With a girl who can give you your needs" "(y/n)" "Stiles please just" He slams his lips forcefully against yours. Calming you down and stopped crying. You return the kiss and slowly both of you broke away. "I don't what any other girl, I want you and If you want to wait until we get married I'll wait." "You'll wait?, for me" "I'll wait for you, only you because I know that we'll last for a long time, I love you (y/n)." "I love you too Stiles"

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