Killian Jones

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(The crushing of my OTPs for you guys)
A/N: D/Y/N stands for disguised your name
Ever since you were a little girl, you dreamed of a life at sea. Your father had been a pirate and told you magnificent stories of his life. However, it was not civilized for a young girl to be a pirate. It's actually not civilized for anyone to be a pirate.
For years, you had tried to get on board a ship, yet none of them wanted a woman on board. At least, not for help on deck. Last year, you became sick of being rejected and decided to disguise yourself as a man.
Evidently, the disguise was pretty convincing because you had landed a spot aboard the Jolly Rodger, under the infamous Captain Hook. You loved working on the Jolly Rodger, except it was kind of difficult hiding who you really were from the team. You went by the name, D/Y/N.
You had a bit of shore leave, and were enjoying the time to yourself. While most of the pirates spent there time at the nearest bar, you checked into a simple inn to get yourself cleaned up. You removed your hair from the hat you had it tucked in and unbraided your hair. Your hair had grown significantly longer than the last time you had seen it. You removed your clothes and stepped into the steaming bathtub. You closed your eyes and relaxed, letting the steam relax your muscles.
You must have drifted off because you didn't hear your captain knock on the door, or even him entering the room.
Killian's Perspective
He knocked on the door, hoping to invite you down to the pub with them. When you didn't answer, he supposed you were asleep, so he entered anyway. He opened the door and found you weren't asleep. Well, at least not in your bed. He saw the door to the bathroom was open and looked inside. Instead of finding D/Y/N, he found a beautiful woman asleep in the bathtub. He was taken away by your beauty, and not just your body, which he could see entirely. It was beautiful, but not as beautiful as your face. He stared at you for a while until he realized he knew that face. Well, a dirtier version of that face. He had never seen you so clean. He had never seen you as a woman before either.
"D/Y/N?" he questioned. You shot out of the water, but fell back in when you slipped on the water. Killian tried to help you but you pushed him away. You grabbed a towel and covered yourself. He never took his eyes off of you, and when you looked up you blushed. He cleared his throat and left the bathroom. You threw on a robe and followed him into the bedroom.
"Captain, I can expla-" you began but Killian held out his hand to stop you.
"I know why you did it, lass," he stated. "I know why you would pretend to be a man to get aboard my ship. I've seen the way you look at the sea. You love it,"
You smiled and nodded.
"I understand that I have to leave the ship now."
"No. You don't. You're one of my best crewmen uh woman. You're secret is safe with me, love," he stated seriously.
"Thank you,Cap-" Once again he cut you off.
"Sorry. I'll stop interrupting you. But you may call me Killian."
"Alright, Killian." With that, the captain left.
Your perspective
You were walking around the deck when a gust came up and knocked your hat off of your head. You reached out for your hat, but it was grabbed by Killian.
"You know, you look a lot better without this hat on," he stated as he handed it back to you. You smiled and blushed, while you placed your hat back on. "It would be much easier for me to flirt with you if you took off your disguise. I've been getting weird looks for staring at you from the crew members."
"You've been staring at me?" you asked. Killian chuckled and walked closer to you, placing his hands on your hips. He looked up at your eyes and your lips. He somehow managed to get closer to you, causing you to place a hand on his chest to steady yourself.
He pulled you close to him, ready to close the gap between you two when a shout sounded from across the deck.
"Captain?" Mr Smee asked. Killian chuckled and backed away.
"We'll need to work on our timing," he whispered in your ear before walking away.

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