Peter Parker and Dean Winchester

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"No!" You exclaimed, crossing your arms over your chest.
"Come on Y/N! Please, I am begging you!" Your best friend, Dean pleaded. Pouting and giving you his best puppy eyes. "My parents are only going to be here for a couple days."
"No! I'm not going to pretend to be your girlfriend." You snarled, shaking your head as you made your way over to your couch.
"Please! I can't do this without you! I don't want to tell my mom the truth about how Lisa cheated on me. If she sees you there, she won't ask." He was practically begging now. Scooting closer to you. "If you do this, I will buy you dinner every night for two months!"
You squinted your eyes at him, for a moment. Going over every pros and con in your head. But as you stared into his green eyes, you couldn't help but give in.
"Fine." You caved. "But we need to set some ground rules."
He nodded, his smile growing. "Anything!"
"No touching, no kissing, don't you even dare think about calling me stupid names like pumpkin or whatever." You stated.
"Am I dating a nun? Come on Y/N, we need to make this believable."
You let out a long sigh, knowing damn well you will regret this later. "Fine. You can call me babe, and hold my hand. BUT-" you pointed your finger at his chest. "That's it. Got it?"
He nodded in agreement. "Deal."
This wasn't exactly how you wanted to spend your Christmas. Pretending to be your best friends girlfriend. This was going to be a long few days.
"When do we start?" You exhaled, walking over to the fridge to pull out a beer for you and Dean.
"Tonight." He whispered, slowly turning his gaze to you.
You furrowed your brows, snapping your eyes back and your mouth dropped. "What?!"
"I'm sorry. My mom just called me today and told me she's on her way." He flashed a cheeky grin.
You rolled your eyes, pinching the bridge of your nose. "Looks like i need to cancel my plans with Peter, again."
"Was that tonight?" He winced.
Dean knew how much this date meant to you. You've only been dating the guy for a few weeks, but every time you spent with him, you fell more and more for him.
He was everything you ever wanted. He was smart, sweet, charming and above all, incredibly funny. He was quirky, but you loved that about him.
'Hey, I'm sorry but I have to cancel tonight. Something came up. Will explain later.' You texted Peter.
"You're lucky I love food, Winchester." You groaned.
"I know. I'm lucky as hell." He smiled, making his way over to you. "What I would do without you?"
Dean pressed his lips to your cheek, and gave you a quick hug from behind.
"Mm, crash and burn." You chuckled. "Alright, let's go over our story before your parents get here."
He went to the fridge, and pulled out two beers. "Great, studying."
You rolled your eyes, taking a seat at the table, crossing your legs as you took a swig of your beer. "After eight years of being friends, I am finally meeting your parents."
Dean leaned his body against the wall. "Yeah, and im really not looking forward to this at all." He groaned.
"Come on, it won't be that bad."
"You don't know my parents." He exhaled.
After 3 hours of bickering and laughing and finally coming up with a great story, you and Dean were driving to his apartment. Which luckily was only a couple blocks away.
"You nervous?" He asked, keeping his gaze on to the dark, snowy road.
Your stomach fluttered and churned as the time passed. This wasn't anything you have done before.
But it couldn't be too hard, right?
"I-Im fine." You breathed.
"Good." He muttered. "My mom is going to love you."
As Dean pulled up into his parking spot, you both slipped out of the impala and made your way inside his place.
You were taken aback as you saw the decorations, scattered all along his living room. The tree was big and bright with random ornaments hanging.
"Wow, you actually decorated?" You threw your bag into his closet, and took off your coat.
"Shut up."
There was a knock at the door, causing you to jump and clutch on to your chest.
"Crap!" You yelped.
Dean belted out into laughter. "Chill. It's just my parents."
He opened the door, and was immediately greeted by a woman who threw her arms around his neck.
"Hey mom." He exhaled, taking her in.
"How's my baby doing? Are you eating?" She asked, cupping his cheeks as she scanned his face.
"No mom, I'm starving myself. Of course I'm eating." He muttered.
You swatted his arm, and scrunched your face to him. "Be nice."
Your eyes met his mothers gaze, and immediately her face lit up. "Hi I'm Y/N."
"Yea, mom this is my girlfriend. Y/N, this is my mom, Mary. And my dad John."
Mary pulled you into her, embracing you in her arms. Her scent was all you inhaled, and honestly it reminded you of home.
"Nice to meet you, sweetie." She said, flashing you a warm grin.
"It's nice to meet you too Mrs. Winchester."
"Oh, please call me Mary."
"Hey son." A deep, rough voice grunted from behind.
"Hey pops."
The boys only shook hands, and smiled at one another.
As his parents made their way to the guest room, to settle in. You followed Dean into the kitchen.
"Your mom is beautiful." You whispered.
"Yea, you should've seen her when she was my age." He cackled. "Thanks for doing this again. I owe you big time."
"Yea you do." You chuckled.
The night was going better than expected. You have never laughed so hard in your life, listening to the embarrassing stories about Dean when he was younger.
His face was bright red, as they went on and on about how he used to love running around the house naked when he was three.
"He had the cutest little butt cheeks-"
"Alright mom! We are done with this conversation." He grunted.
"Aw come on, babe. I like hearing these kind of stories." You teased, gently squeezing his arm.
"Well I don't."
Mary kept her gaze on her sons face. Watching you both go back and forth, giggling uncontrollably. She loves to see him smile, but this was different.
This was something she has never seen before.
"So how did you two meet?" She asked, taking a sip of her coffee.
You and Dean shared a glance, your heart pounded profusely as you realized this was the only topic you two haven't discussed. You were so worried about how he asked you out and how long you two have been dating and so on, you forgot about this.
"We met the first day she moved out here. We were neighbors. She lived in the apartment across from me." He stated. "She needed help moving some boxes."
The memories of that day, flooded your mind. It felt like it was yesterday. You were only 18 years old. The first time out on your own. It was terrifying.
But having Dean there, made everything seem at ease.
"She was hot! She still is, don't get me wrong. But when I saw her struggling, I had to go help her." He muttered. "After we got all the boxes out of the moving truck, we ordered some Chinese food and sat on her floor. We talked for hours."
As Dean replayed the memory like a movie, he couldn't help but smile. "We became friends after that. Started hanging out almost every night. I even helped her set up her stuff in the apartment."
"Yea, and you broke my favorite mug!" You exclaimed, still hurting from shear thought.
"I said I was sorry! You're still upset over that?" He chuckled.
You crossed your arms over your chest and shrugged. "It was cute."
Dean rolled his eyes. "Anyways. After 8 years of a weird friendship and dealing with this baby-" he teased. Which you then playfully swatted his arm. "I knew I couldn't lose her."
"And then you fell in love?" Mary squealed, batting her eyes at her son.
Dean turned his gaze to you, as your lips were slowly curving into a smile.
It was weird, seeing you at that moment was different than anytime he's ever looked at you. But as he felt his heart skip a beat as you scrunched your nose to him, he realized after all these years, he was beginning to fall for you.
Your phone vibrated, and you pulled it out of your pocket.
It was Peter.
Dean felt his stomach drop as he read the name on your screen.
'Sorry, just left the lab. I miss you. Rain check?'
You felt you smile grow and your heart flutter. 'Definitely. I miss you too.'
As Dean read the letter you texted, he felt a small ache course through his chest, but he cleared his throat, trying to hold his composure.
He knew nothing would ever happen. That this was just pretend. He would never be able to tell you the truth.
And because of that, it killed him.

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