Aris TMR series

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"So, Y/N, how are you on this particularly hot day?" Aris called over you're shoulder. You've taken a liking to Aris, there was just something about him you couldn't quite put your finger on yet.
"Well besides the shucking weather, I guess I'm doing good." You replied, covering your eyes as a patch of sand blew in your eyes.
"This shucking wind is going to kill us all if we don't find a place soon." You shouted, so everyone could hear you.
"Calm down, Y/N, we're looking for a place. Is that slinthead treating you alright back there?" Minho hollered back.
"He has a name, and yes we are fine." You answered, instinctively defending Aris. He was pretty cute, you didn't understand why the others didn't trust him. You weren't sure if they even liked him to be quite honest.
"That wasn't his question." Newt said. He was right beside you.
"Can't you just leave Aris alone?" You questioned, getting upset.
"We just want to make sure you're okay." Newt answered. "You're basically our sister, we want what's best for you."
"I'm not going to hurt her." Aris piped in, causing glares to be shot his way from other Gladers.
"Give it up!" I shouted. "You shuck faces aren't in charge of me, I'm my own person, and I will do as I wish." All of the Gladers went quiet.
"You didn't have to do that." Aris mumbled, so no one could overhear.
"Yes I did, I mean we are just friends, it's not like we're together or anything. Besides, they need to learn how to trust more." You replied, biting your lip slightly at the thought. It made you upset.
"Yeah. Just friends." Aris replied, almost sounding sad?
You were confused. You decided to shake it off though as you kept walking close by Aris, keeping the blanket over you both carefully. There was a long silence of just walking, quietly walking. Minho was calling out directions and instructions, but you didn't even bother listening. You just kept thinking about what Aris said to you. You wanted to ask, but you decided against it. You only just met, right? You thought as your shoulder bumped into his.
Minho had decided, finally, that you would get to stop and sleep after what seemed like a perpetual amount of silence and walking. You let yourself fall to the ground, Aris next to you, as you placed the blanket around both of you. Even though it was burning up, you'd rather be hot than getting a body full of hard sand being strewn around all night. You felt Aris move closer to you, and you decided to allow your head to rest on his shoulder, using it as a pillow. Your eyes closed, and you fell asleep almost instantly, tired from your trek today.
You slowly opened your eyes as you felt heavy wind all around you. It had gotten significantly colder, and you felt your body shiver slightly as you realized who you were with. Your head was still rested on Aris's shoulder, his arm wrapped around your body. You bit your lip, not wanting to wake Aris up. You liked this, you liked being in his arms. It felt right.
All good things had to come to an end though as the others woke up, along with Aris. Everyone noticed the change in weather. As Aris was about to get up, he noticed that his arm was around you. You could have sworn you had seen him smile slightly, and you frowned when he removed his arm from your waist. You got up, cuddling into the blanket as Aris wrapped it tightly around you both.
"Y/N, it's getting cold. Why don't you come join one of us." Thomas said to you, not even looking at Aris.
"I'm fine." You replied, feeling Aris wrap his arm around you.
Thomas's eyes found Aris's hand, and you could tell it took everything in Thomas not to say anything. Everyone left you alone today, which you were relieved about. You kept thinking about what Aris had said yesterday and everything that had happened last night. You wanted to ask Aris about it, but you weren't sure what to say. You finally found the words in your head, and decided to ask.
"Hey Aris." You started.
"Yeah?" He asked.
"What did you mean by 'just friends' yesterday? I don't know, you seemed sad saying it." You explained carefully, not wanting to say anything wrong. Aris sighed.
"Isn't it obvious? I mean all the other guys see it, don't you?" Aris said, becoming upset.
"See what?" You questioned, curious.
"I like you, Y/N! I feel like I've known you forever, and I just really like you. That's why everyone was giving me a hard time." Aris burst out.
"Seriously?" You asked.
"Seriously." Aris confirmed. You looked down, smiling slightly.
"Well I like you too." You got out, looking up slowly to see Aris's face.
It was like his eyes lit up, it was so cute, the look on his face, everything about him. From his eyes, to the shape of his face to his kissable lips you really want to kiss. You couldn't hold yourself back, your lips found Aris's and it definitely took him by surprise. Aris started to kiss back though, until you heard a voice shout out at you two.
"Seriously, Y/N? We need to keep going, not stop to kiss a boy!" Newt called out. You groaned slightly, upset that you had to pull away. Aris smiled, lips slightly puffy from the kiss. You couldn't help but to give him one more peck before running to catch up with the rest of the group.

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