Dean Winchester

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You are sent to an alternate universe one day while on a hunt with the boys. You wake up standing in a nice house like you have seen in magazines. Looking out the window you see 3 young boys running around playing superheros with makeshift capes. Each of them with your exact hair color... You press your face closer to the glass when you see Dean walking around the yard with a bundle of pink blanks in his arms. You walk over to the sliding door that leads out to the yard. Cracking it open you hear Dean talking softly to baby girl wrapped in the blankets. "Yeah... Let your big bothers wait... One day you're gonna be kick ass just like your mother... I won't have to worry about beating the guys off you because I can tell already you're a strong and independent just like (Y/N)." You gasp to yourself and close the sliding door. You look around the house in shock seeing pictures of you and Dean at what you assume is your wedding. pictures of you and what you assume are you 4 kids... Sam and his large family of kids and gorgeous wife... One picture however that really got your attention was the one with Bobby surrounded with a bunch of kids... You know that getting back to your own universe is a priority but I might be nice just to hang out here a bit and enjoy a little peace with the men who deserve it more than anyone...

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