Peter (StarLord) Quill

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Property of the Nova Corp, that's what you were deemed now, all thanks to one Peter, Star-Lord, Quill. Star-Lord, what kind of name is that? Well, it wasn't all because of Quill, you had to take some of the blame, you were careless and that caused you to trip up, lets call it 90/10, 90% Quill, 10% the Nova goons. You slumped as you walked into the initial testing unit, upon which two Nova officers read out your name, origin of birth, official criminal status and all the bits in between, you let on a cheeky smile when the officers spoke amongst themselves about how you were one of Xandars most wanted. Watching them carefully you turned your charm up, standing tall and swaying slightly, making flirtatious eye contact with the younger officer, if you were going to prison you may as well have a little fun with it.
"Excuse me officer," you spoke with innocence as a small smirk crept its way up your cheeks; "Are there any rules on an inmate and an officer having a less professional kind of relationship whilst I'm doing my time?" batting your eyelashes you gazed intently at the younger officer, watching as his face flared red causing you to laugh.
"Ma'am, there are strict regulations against that." The older officer spoke maintaining his calm, collective seriousness and you put on a fake pout, trying your best to look broken hearted but failing as you almost curled over laughing as the younger officer desperately tried to not make eye contact with you.
"Aw, that's a shame, we would have had so much fun." You winked at the officer before leaning back against the wall and wiping a tear from your eye and massaging your aching cheeks from laughter. The other officer wasn't as amused and gave you a stern look before clearing his throat.
"Miss Y/L/N, we are fully aware of who you are and what you do, we have hardened officers that will be watching your every move, making sure you have as little fun as possible." Your face had turned back to a straight form of boredom, raising your eyebrows and sighing you refrained from speaking once more to the officers, lifting your chin up high you shrugged before putting your middle finger up to them and walking off to the next stage of 'prison initiation'. The skin on your wrists was flaking off, becoming more and more painful with every step you took due to the twisting of your hand cuffs. You grunted as the guards shoved you in line, causing you to crash into some guy in front of you.
"Hey watch it!" The man barked before turning around and recognising you and sighing, to which you did the same except your face was more one of disgust upon peering into those familiar green eyes. Quill.
"Quill." you muttered, raising an eyebrow up at him before looking past him to see the other inmates, your mind had already begun formulating an escape plan and you wanted to see if any of the others could be an asset. In front of the poor excuse of a criminal stood an average hight, slender built green woman, her hair was draped along her shoulders, she had the similar structure of mass murderer Gamora but you couldn't fathom the idea, she was too smart to get locked up. You all walked in a steady slow line, turning around too look at those behind you, you were instantly greeted by the dark beady eyes of a tree, your eyes widened having never seen such a creature on Xandar and it must have sensed your confusion as to what it was, for it simply stated; "I am Groot." You smiled back appealingly and nodded before turning forward to follow the crowd. You took this time to study the back of Quill, examining any potential weak spots he may have and taking possibly more time than appropriate to admire his ass. Groot must have noticed and bent over your shoulder before repeating his same line;
"I am Groot."
"Yeah, I got that the first time, thanks." Your retort was one of sarcasm yet less harsh than it could have been, Groot seemed to be a gentle beast but then again, you were both in a prison. You thought his statement would have drawn unwanted attention to you by Quill but his eyes were set on the blue guards whom were putting your items into large boxes for confiscation, one of them had grown attached to a small blue box of some sort which Quill immediately objected. Slipping between the closing door he entered the room, on defence mode. This was going to be entertaining. The guards immediately turned towards him, taking a bracing stance.
"Don't you touch that!" He ordered one of the guards who in turn put what appeared to be orange headphones on his head, gripping tight to the box as some music blared out. He rested one hand on his taser stick and Quill took a step further to him, getting visibly more aggressive.
"Hooked on a feeling, Blue Swede, 1974 that song belongs to me!" He cried out. You put your hands against the bars outside and everyone watched the scene unfold. Quill dropped to his knees as volts of electricity shot through his body, from the guard with an evil smile etched across his face as he lunged forward once more turning the voltage up. Quill fell to his side shaking violently, you almost felt sorry for him but then you remembered the volts he sent through you on his ship and you devilishly smiled.
"Payback's a bitch huh Quill." You laughed before leaving the guards to their business of torturing Star-Lord and went to put on your disgustingly yellow prison suit. Walking into the communal room, you were on edge, taking in everyone and every last detail of your surroundings, no one would get the chance to jump you but their attention wasn't on you, they were all threatening the green lady sparking your interest, that really is Gamora. Now she was certainly an asset, or more, a bodyguard, well, that was if she didn't get brutally murdered in here like a lot of prisoners were threatening her with.
Your right eye popped open swiftly followed by your left when you heard some rustling and grunting just outside your cell, sat up right, you had just begun dozing off waiting for 5 am to come round to which you'd make your escape but that was going to have to wait for now, your curiosity was getting the better of you, even though you knew exactly what was going on; the inmates were going to kill Gamora. You sauntered out of your room, following her distinct cries until you came to the shower room. You snuck behind a nearby large pipe that supplied water to the showers and watched as they pinned her up against the tiles, one of the brutes holding a rustic knife to her neck. 'Death by infection, what a way to go.'
"Say your goodbyes Gamora." one of them barked, pressing the knife against her skin and causing her to grimace, she almost spat on one of them when a humongous blue man with red patterns all over his body stomped around the corner, halting everything. The three gremlins scampered away from Gamora as soon as this man entered the room, 'he must be chief around here. Interesting, perhaps you could use him to get out of here.' You deviantly smiled to yourself as your escape plan pieced together in your mind; Use Brutus over there to distract the guards, you take one out accessing the security doors through the control panel in their robotic arms, grab your stuff, electrocute and beat up a few people here and there and then get the hell out of there, with the orb and the crystal, you were going to be rich. You became oblivious to your surroundings after focusing on your escape route and only zoned back into the room when you heard Quill speaking about some Ronan. Your eyes widened at the scene, the blue man, whom you now knew as Drax the Destroyer, was arched backwards as Gamora had the knife to his neck and Quill was trying to talk them out of it, whilst a small furry animal was observing.
"We'll get the orb and get out of here, then go destroy Ronan." Quill spoke as a matter of fact, causing your whole body to go into alert, no way he was getting your orb. Gamora and Drax nodded, lowering their defences and facing him as Quill lowered his arms.
"I know who has it. She's called Y/n, she's one of Xandars most wanted and she wants that orb. We had...a thing and she took it from me. She valuable to me, I mean, she could be of value to us, as a team, an asset." Quill rolled his eyes and rubbed the back of his neck making the small fuzzy animal laugh and comment about 'Quill's female issues', you knew he wasn't one to admit defeat, but you were always 7 steps ahead, you couldn't help it, it was in your nature and you'd be 7 steps ahead now, hearing their plan. You smirked, slinking back into your cell awaiting Gamoras intrusion and pretending to be sleeping. There were a few brief moments of silence before you heard movement in your cell, as she lunged at your head you ducked down, sliding off your cell bed under her feet before twisting her arm around and pushing her against the wall with a chuckle.
"What do you want?" You feigned innocence, if she knew that you were aware of their plan she'd cut your throat on the spot.
"You have the orb." She barked catching you off guard and spinning around, her leg kicked your ankle causing you to plummet to the ground. She towered over you, her hands to your throat. "Where is it?!"
You then decided to play innocent, putting your hands up you put on a confused look, trying to shake your head as your lungs slowly deflated. "I don't know what you're talking about." You spluttered out, only to have her hands enclose tighter around your windpipes.
"Star Lord told me you took it from him!" She growled, glaring into your eyes to see if you'd crack but this wasn't the first time you'd been in this position. You raised your eyebrows and widened your eyes. She squinted and lessened her grip ever so slightly so you could talk more.
"Quill? That ass hat. He lied to you. I don't have any orb, he's doing this to fool you and take it for himself, he's a ravager you know." glaring into her eyes you knew your lies had worked. "Look, I have one of the most trustworthy faces in the entire galaxy, trust me on this one, Quill is lying to you." Gamora grunted, releasing her grip and standing up straight, leaving you to crawl from underneath her and stand beside her, a look of pure anger blazed in her eyes and you began to wonder whether you'd just sentenced Quill to death. You tried to smile innocently, your internal monologue congratulating you for not getting ruthlessly murdered.
"Us girls gotta stick together right." You smirked, nudging her arm with your fist and her head snapped at you, staring you dead in the eye before leaving your cell into the night.
Time to leave.

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