Emma Swan, Henry and Regina Mills and Robin Hood

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Everyone was concerned you weren't improving with your magic. It had been weeks since Regina offered to train you, yet you could barely conjure up enough light magic to brighten a room. Your mother Emma thought it'd be a good idea for her and Regina to train you together. You met up with them in the woods to practice your magic.
After showing no sign of improvement Regina sighed, "You're not
trying hard enough."
"She's trying her best Regina." Your mom said, defending you.
She rolled her eyes, "You cushioning her isn't helping."
"And your badgering is?" She snapped.
"Ladies please," You glanced away from them to see Robin approaching. "May I have a word with her?" When they didn't object he walked over to you. "Struggling with your powers?"
You glanced away, "It's harder than I expected."
"So I've heard." He nodded, "Though I think I may know something that could help."
Hearing this you perked up, "You really think so?"
He half grinned, "Have you ever tried archery?"
"I've never been that interested in it I guess." You replied.
"Well," He began, "When first starting archery, if you haven't had any practice before I find it's very hard to pull back the bowstring." Tilting his head he continued, "It takes a lot of power to pull it back all the way, but once there it's easy to hold. I think that once you have a hold on your powers, you won't struggle as much."
Slowly you began nodding your head, "Okay, what's your idea?"
"I want you envision your powers like arrow on a bowstring, and I'm going to help you fire the arrow." He rubbed his hands together, "Think about what color it is, how it's shaped, what it's like. Here, give me your hand." You put the back of your hand in his palm, "Now I want you to imagine pulling back the bowstring completely. Start slow at first, and tell me when you think you've got it." Closing your eyes you began to envision the bow and arrow.
"Okay, I think I have it." You said.
He laughed, "Good, that magic is inside you right now. Feel it in your heart, and when I tell you to let the arrow fly I want you to let your powers flow from your heart to your palms."
Furrowing your brows you agreed, "Just tell me when I guess." You held the image of the bow in your mind. It was pulled back all the way just waiting to let the arrow fly. As you pictured this you thought of the powers inside you, waiting to be let free. Just as you started to lose the image you heard Robins voice.
As you let the arrow rip through the air you felt your powers burst from your heart. You felt the rush of the magic within you as it travelled to your hand, and when you looked down you saw a spark resting on your palm.
"Holy crap," Your mom stared in awe, "you did it!"
"Robin how did you know that would work?" Regina asked.
"Honestly," He laughed, "I wasn't sure it would." You laughed, looking down at the spark still in your palm. Before thinking you tried to make the spark bigger, and everything went wrong. To you the spark felt like nothing more than a shock from a doorknob, but it sent Robin flying backward.
You widened your eyes, "What happened?"
"Robin!" Regina ran to his side, "Are you okay?"
He sat up dazed, "I'm fine, nothings broken." Sitting up he let out a groan, "I think."
Regina spun on you, "Y/N what were you thinking!"
You held your hands up warily, "I'm so sorry, I, I can't control it!" You began to back up when your mom broke in.
"Y/N it's not your fault, just relax." She started to walk towards you.
"No!" You shouted, "Stay back! Please I don't want to hurt anyone else."
"You're not going to hurt anyone else, I'm sorry I yelled. Don't leave like this." Regina called out. She began walking towards you hesitantly.
"Stop!" Without thinking you let out another burst of light. It panned out, almost knocking them back. "I'm sorry," You turned and fled through the forest despite their calls. This was all your fault, first you couldn't create magic and now you couldn't control it. Hurting Robin had showed you what you were. You were a monster, and you would make sure you didn't hurt anyone else.

There weren't that many places to hide out in Storybrooke, so you went to Henry's old castle instead. Once you were there, you weren't sure what to do next. You could leave the town, but you would have to go back home to get supplies. You thought about going to Mr. Gold for help, but you didn't want anything he had to offer. Hours had passed when you heard someone approaching.
"Y/N?" That was Henrys voice.
You turned towards him, "Henry, what are you doing here? You need to get away." Standing up you began to back away.
"Wait!" He put a hand up to stop you, "Look, I won't come close. Okay? Just, let's talk. I heard what happened."
"I don't want to hurt you Henry, I don't want to hurt anyone." You confessed.
He shook his head, "You won't hurt anyone."
"I already have!" You shouted. "I can't control my powers. I hurt Robin when he tried to help me, I don't want you to be next."
Taking a step forward he said, "I trust you Y/N. I'm not afraid."
"Why would you trust me?" You cried out, "You saw what I did to Robin, how do you know I won't hurt you too?"
"Because I know you Y/N." He began to take another step towards you, "Your powers are a part of you, and it's okay that you don't know how to control them yet. Right now you're just over thinking it. I can't really tell you why I still trust you, it's just that I do." He was within an arm's length of you now.
You shut your eyes, "Please, just leave." Before you could stop it you let out another burst of energy nearly knocking Henry back. "I'm sorry!" Instead of leaving he reached for your hand.
"Look, I'm okay. See? No harm." He smiled, "And look at that. We're holding hands, and you're not electrocuting me." You looked down to your intertwined hands and saw he was right. You weren't hurting him.
"You sure you're okay?" you asked him.
He grinned, "Positive."
You almost laughed, "You're right, I'm not over thinking it anymore." Almost on cue you saw your mother's car pull up. She got out with raised eyebrows.
"Hey kid, everything alright?" She asked.
You let Henrys hand fall from your grip, "Yeah, everything's fine. I'm sorry about earlier."
She sighed, "You don't have anything to be sorry about. It's okay if you're not ready to use magic yet. We shouldn't have pushed you. Oh, and Robins all right, he wanted you to know." she added in.
"Thanks, but I think I'm ready," You said, glancing at Henry, "And I promise it won't go the same as today."

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