Dean Winchester

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(If any of you know the e-mail of the SPN show crew, send them this. I AM NOT KIDDING. AND DONT TAKE CREDIT FOR THESE)

"I am so proud of you two guys."
Kyle turns to Max and says.
"Did you hear that boy? (Y/N) is proud of us, guess who is going to have pie when we get home?" he turns his computer to Max and he starts barking and wagging his tail. "Hey where is my nephew?"
"He is with Dean outside, wait a second." you get up from your chair and you go to the yard and call Bobby. "Baby come, you uncle wants to speak with you."
he starts running towards you, you pick him up and take him inside. You sit on the chair and the boys talk they talked for hours; you remembered when Kyle was called for the first time, you were pregnant with Bobby and you cried all night afraid that you would lose you brother on the field, so when Bobby born you were surprised to see him with Sam waiting to be aloud to get inside to see. And God, you had never see him so happy, well you did when he walked you down the aisle on your marriage day but that is a different story.
Suddenly he turns his face and salutes a man, he hears the instructions and then says.
"I have to go now, sorry buddy."
"It is ok uncwe. Wove you."
He smiles and looks at him and you.
"I love you all as well, see you."

Three days had passed since your last talked with Kyle, and that worried you more than you wanted to think about. You tried to ignore that dark cloud that started to appear in your head.
*Dean's POV*
Dean was fixing baby and Sam was with me, we were chatting about everything and nothing at the same time.
"I mean it Sam, I think Kyle is going to make a surprise to (Y/N) or something he hasn't called in a few days man."
He laughed but then stopped, he had is eyes glued to an SUV that parked next to the sidewalk. Two Marines got out of the car he taps my shoulder and says.
"Hey Dean look." and points to our front door, they knock and (Y/N) answers it, the smile oh that smile that I feel in love everything single day, simply disappeared when they gave to her the flag, she fell on the floor and started crying.
I dropped everything that I had on my hands and started running towards her, I pulled her closer to me and started rocking her back and forward, Sam went inside and went to play with Bobby and didn't let him leave his bedroom until (Y/N) was more calm.
I kissed her hairline and saying that everything was going to be alright, when she stopped crying she pulled away from my embrace and cleaned her teared eyes.
"I lost him Dean, my brother died."

Two days had passed since you received the news of your brothers death, you were getting ready for the funeral when you noticed that you still had to tell Bobby why Kyle couldn't no longer take him to the park or play with him like Sam and Dean or even you did. You had to explain to a four year old boy, that is uncle died and he would never be back that it wasn't like the other times that he would leave for a few months but then he and Max would return. Oh Max, he must be so destroyed, he lost his master, his friend, his partner but above all he lost his brother in arms.
You went to Bobby's bedroom and saw him looking at a picture of the family, Kyle had him on his back and Sam, Dean and Max were next to him.
Kyle and Max were prepared to leave for this last mission that took Kyle's life; you sat on Bobby's bed and start brushing the hair out of his face.
"He is not coming back is he mommy?"
You shook your head and cleaned the tears that threaten to fall again.
"No baby, he isn't coming back."
"But why? I thought uncwe Kywe woved me."
"And he does baby, he loves you more than anything in life." you stand up and pull him up, his tiny arms were around your neck when you went to the window to show him something.
"Right now you can't see it, but at night the first star that appears in the sky is your guardian angel and you know who he is?"He just shook's his head and looks at the sky. "It's Kyle honey, no matter where you are he will always protect. He loves you so much that is why he is your protector baby."
Bobby just nods his head and rests it on your shoulder, you go to the entrance door and took a deep breath. This was going to be a long, long journey luckily you had Dean, Sam and now Max always on your side.
Max was a part of Kyle, so he was family he belonged to your heart just like your brother did and always will.

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