Dean Winchester AU

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Punk!Dean AU
You could't tear your eyes away from Dean Winchester and his bright, lime green hair. Wearing those tight black jeans that emphasized his bowed legs, and the dark grey henley under his leather jacket that showed off his biceps. Dean walked through the hallway with his biker boots and black lined eyes, piercings and gages that made him look unapproachable, yet only made you wonder more.
"Y/N," Anna said, turning your attention back to her, "What do you think you're doing?"
"What?" you say, still a little confused, "I was just-"
"Staring at Dean? Yeah, it was pretty obvious," she says quietly, "Do you like him?"
You sputter for a moment and take your books out of your locker, "No," you scoff, trying to will down your blush as you shut your locker door, "No, let's just go to class, okay?"
Anna eyed you wearily, but sighed and followed you anyway. Of course, this was one of the classes you shared with Dean, AP Lit, and you cast your eyes on the ground when you entered the room, taking your usual seat and getting your book out. Dean always sat in the back, sometimes he paid attention, other times he stared out the window and sighed a lot. You couldn't help but cast a few glances back at him, wandering what he was thinking about that had him so down. Your teachers voice brought you back to attention and you settled in for another lecture.
After class, you waved Anna goodbye and told her you'd see her on Monday as you started to walk towards the parking lot. You couldn't help but notice Dean as he made his way to his classic black car, it was hard not to notice him with his hair, and you looked away as he glanced your way. Hurrying to your car, you let out a breath and checked your rear view mirror, watching Dean light up a cigarette and let out a cloud of smoke. You shook your head and started your car, heading home and definitely not thinking about Dean.
Monday rolled around and you blushed at the color of Dean's new hair. Anna made a comment about how it was ridiculous, but you found yourself staring just a bit more at the bright pink color. It was bold and it made you wander what his parents thought. After school, you went to the library for your tutoring session with some of the advanced kids from the middle school. It was good for volunteer hours, plus you didn't really mind helping them out.
One of the boys, Sam, was really smart, and he didn't really need to be there, but he kept coming back and asking for your help on a few problems. You thought it was kind of cute that he blushed a lot and hid behind his hair when you talked to him.
"You need help, Sam?" you asked, pulling up a chair next to him.
He gave you a quick smile then sighed, "Not really...well, not with math."
You cocked your head, "Another subject?"
Sam nodded and looked around before looking up at you, "You're my friend, right?" he asks, shyly.
Giving him a soft smile, you nod, "Yeah, Sam, what's up?"
"It's Jess," he sighs, resting his cheek on his hand, "I like her and I want to ask her to the dance but I don't know how."
You try to hold back your fond chuckle at the moping kid, "Sam, Jess is totally going to say yes, you know how I know?" Sam raises his eyes to you and you smile, "She asks about you all the time."
"Really?" Sam perks up, a smile on his face, "What does she say?"
You laugh a little and lower your voice, "Well, she always asks me if you like me, and she's a little jealous," Sam blushes deeply and you smile again, "She wanted to know if you were taking anyone to the dance."
"I don't like you," he says quietly, his face red, "I mean, I did-but," he clears his throat, "You're-you're really pretty and nice but-but Jess is-"
"Sam," you laugh, "You don't have to explain anything, dude, I'm too old for you anyway."
Sam sighs and looks up at you, his eyes wide, "I know."
"So, you want to plan how to ask her?"
"Okay, so you are sure you can get her to be there?" Sam asks as the two of you walk down the steps from the school.
You sigh, and repeat for the tenth time, "Yes, Sam. I'll tell her we need to discuss her grades and she'll show up, don't worry."
Sam sighs and hops down the last step, "Okay," he says, giving you a shy smile, "Thanks Y/N."
You reach out and lightly punch his shoulder, "No problem, kid."
"M'not a kid," he laughs and lightly punches you back, smiling up at you.
You roll your eyes playfully, "Sure."
"Hey!" he laughs, "That means you're the old one."
You scoff and punch him again, a smile on your face, "I am not old!"
Sam shakes his head and smiles, opening his mouth to retort when a deeper voice interrupts, "Sammy, let's go."
You turn and lock eyes with Dean Winchester, then look down to Sam who rolls his eyes and says, "It's Sam."
Dean just stares at him before bringing his attention to you, and you feel your face heating up as he glances over your face, "Let's go, Sam. Dad's going to want us home." he says before looking away from you.
Sam sighs and looks up at you again, giving you a shy smile before hugging you quickly and whispering, "Thanks." then brushing past Dean and heading for the black car.
Dean sees it happen and furrows his brow, letting Sam pass him as he keeps his eyes on you. You shift uncomfortably and open your mouth to say something when Dean speaks.
"You're in my lit class." he says, eyes narrowed.
You nod and clear your throat, "And History." you add, feeling stupid.
Dean gives you another look up and down before shoving his hands in his pockets and turning around without another word. You watch him walk away, speechless, and only break out of your trance when his car starts up and the rumble shocks you a bit. Sam waves to you from the window and you wave back before rushing to your car.
"What was that?" Dean asks, eyes on his little brother.
Sam cocks his head, "What?"
"The-the hug thing, who is she?"
"Y/N, she's my tutor," Sam says, shrugging, "She's my friend too, and she's helping me with something."
Dean scoffs, "With what?"
Sam sighs and mumbles, "Asking a girl to the dance." Dean's silent for a moment before he shakes his head. "Y/N's really cool, Dean, and she's in your grade. She's really smart and funny, she even watches Star Wars and does this really funny thing with her voice and it sounds super squeaky. And did I mention she's really smart? She's like-"
"Okay, Sam, geez." Dean cuts him off, "You got a crush on her or something?"
Sam closes his mouth and blushes deeply, looking out the window before muttering, "No."
Dean smirks and nudges Sam's shoulder, "You do too, Sammy."
"It's Sam," he says automatically, "And fine, maybe I do, but she's out of my league and too old for me and I like Jess more."
"You're such a nerd, Sammy." Dean says.
"It's not that surprising, Dean." Sam mumbles, "She's really pretty and nice."
"She's not that pretty." Dean says, turning into the driveway.
Sam rolls his eyes, "Sure, Dean."
"She's not!" Dean says as they both get out of the car.
Sam deadpans and looks at Dean with his 'bitch face', "Yeah, and the sky's not blue"
Dean rolls his eyes and pushes past Sam to get into the house, "Shut up."
"Boys! Are you fighting already?" John calls from the kitchen.
"No." Dean answers, giving Sam a look that means, 'shut your trap', and heads to his room, shutting the door and grabbing his headphones, ready to drown out the rest of the world.
Tuesday flew by as usual, and you tried to avoid looking at Dean, only finding that he was looking at you more. You would have been flattered if he didn't look like he was judging you the whole time, so you just sat there and tried to pay attention in class.
At lunch, you sighed and poked at your food while Anna babbled on about her day and how her Chemistry teacher was 'such a jerk'. When, in reality, you knew she was just being dramatic. You let your eyes wander the room when you're eyes stopped on Dean who was looking at you again. Straightening up, you gave him a small, nervous smile, and in return received a small nod before you turned away to hide your red face. Peeking up again, you saw one of his 'groupies', Benny, come sit next to him and slap him on the back. Dean flinched and turned to his friend, saying something before Benny's eyes turned your way. He smiled and gave you a wave, making you hide your face behind your hair and try to pay attention to Anna.
To say the least, you were grateful when the bell rang at the end of the day and you got to head to your car. As you were walking, you felt someone behind you, and you turned to see Dean walking, his eyes finding yours before he kept walking to walk next to you. You tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear and looked up at him.
"H-hi, Dean." you stammered, embarrassed.
Dean glances down at you and looks you up and down in that way he does, and you nervously adjust your hoodie and stuff your hand in the pocket. He nods again and licks his lips, your eyes being drawn to his lip ring. After a few more step, Dean stops and you look around to see that you're at your car, and his is no where in sight. Reaching into your pocket, you pull out your keys and unlock the door, looking up at Dean to see him watching you with dark rimmed eyes.
"Uh-I'll, I'll see you tomorrow?" you said lamely, shifting on your feet nervously.
Dean stuffs his hand in the pockets of his leather jacket and nods again, "Sure." he says, stepping backwards and looking your up and down again before turning on his heel and heading towards his car.
You take a deep breath and watch him walk for another moment before you climb in your car and make your way home.
"Sam?" you say, sitting down next to the boy as soon as you get to the library after school, "Can I ask you something?"
Sam smiles up at you and nods, "Sure."
You smile back quickly before lowering your voice, "You're Dean's brother, right?" Sam nods, "So, you know him, and...does he...does he talk?"
Sam makes a funny face and rolls his eyes, "Dean's weird, he used to talk a lot but now he doesn't. He talks to me and Benny, but,- wait, why?"
You sigh and shake your head, "He just kind of stares at me a lot and the other day he walked me to my car but didn't say anything the whole time."
"Oh," Sam says, nodding, "That sounds like something he would do. He's kind of really shy, even though he doesn't act like it sometimes, I told him about you so maybe he wants to get to know you. He's really protective over me, which is so annoying, but," he shrugs, "He's my big brother."
"Right." you say, sighing again before straightening up, "anyway, uh, how's it going with Jess, you guys talk yet?"
Sam goes on to tell you about his day and about how him and Jess had lunch together and she shared her cookies with him. You smiled along and after the hour was up, you walked with Sam out of the library and down the steps to find Dean standing there, stomping out his cigarette.
"Hey." you said with a small smile.
Dean clears his throat and nods again, and you're about to sigh when he says, "Hey." You blink up at him and find yourself smiling, and notice how his eyes stay on yours for a bit longer before he looks down at a smirking Sam, "Let's go, Sammy."
"It's Sam," the boy groans, then looks up at you, "See ya Monday, Y/N."
You smile and wave as Sam runs off to the car, and look back up at Dean who waits until Sam gets to the car before turning back to you, "He's a good kid, smart too." you say, shifting on your feet a little.
Dean nods and opens his mouth like he wants to say something, before he furrows his brow and closes it. "Um, I'll...I'll see you tomorrow, Dean." you say, but find yourself stuck in place.
"Yeah," he says, voice deep and smooth, "Thanks for...Sammy." he says, and you smile softly at him.
"It's no problem," you say, making a move to step forward and Dean moves with you, " want to walk me to my car?" you say, guessing his motive.
Dean shrugs and you start to make your way there, feeling an odd comfort with Dean's presence. When you get there, you clear your throat and look up at him, realizing he's studying you. You decide, to hell with it, and stare back, letting your eyes wander over his chilled face and all his piercings. Dean has a faint flush to his cheeks when you lock eyes with his, and you give him a little sigh.
"You know, I'm not that scary." you say, fiddling with your keys.
Dean's lips twitch and he licks them, "Never said you were."
You stare at him for another moment before unlocking your car and opening your door, huffing before glancing back at him, "I really like lilies." you blurt out. Dean furrows his brows and you blush furiously, "Sorry I just...that', something about me, I just..." you trail off and stare intently at his boots.
Dean doesn't move for a while before he mumbles, "Lilies?"
You look up and see his eyes have soften the slightest, "Yeah." you nod, swallowing thickly.
"Zeppelin." he says, and you blink up at him, he shrugs, "My favorite band."
You smile and his lips twitch again, but he still doesn't smile, "Okay, then."
Dean nods and takes a step back, "Okay." he says, and you look at him again before looking at your car. Dean nods to himself and turns on his heels, his shoulders tense as he walks away, unaware of the smile on your face as you slip into your car.

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