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You bit your lip, groaning as Jessica Jones ended, your tv screen changing to suggest another show. "I don't want another show!" you shouted. "I want more!"
You threw the remote across the room, yelling in frustration.
"You know, anger only leads to hate, young padawan."
You looked up, gasping as a smile appeared on your face. A familiar man stood with your remote in his hand. "Luci!" you cried, standing from the couch.
Lucifer chuckled, meeting you part-way and wrapping his arms around you. You felt calmer the instant he hugged you, something you looked forward to whenever you could. Pulling away and fighting the blush rising in your cheeks. You intertwined your hand through his, pulling him back towards the couch.
His smile only grew as he let you drag him, sitting right beside you and wrapping his arm around you. "How have you been?" he asked.
You sighed, shrugging. "Same as ever I guess. Work, home...."
Lucifer sighed, looking into your eyes. "You can tell me, Y/N."
You looked at the tv, shrugging again. "I just...missed you."
You met Lucifer months ago on accident. You were being mugged, and had found and taken the chance to run. Running straight into an empty warehouse, you bumped into him, Lucifer. Without so much as a word, he turned around and made the man that was chasing you...well, explode. After that night, everything kind of fell into place.
Lucifer explained what you needed to know, what he was, what he could do, and what you two were: soulmates.
It was hard to process, but he let you take your time. He didn't force you to do anything, didn't force you to feel anything. But after four months of seeing him whenever you could, it was hard to deny the feelings that were growing inside you.
"I missed you, too," he whispered, squeezing your hand.
You looked up slowly, meeting his eyes. He held the gaze for a moment before looking around your apartment. "So, why no Christmas decorations?"
You sighed, rolling your eyes. "I don't celebrate Christmas, remember?"
"Why? From what I've seen about humans, Christmas is about friends, family, you!"
You shook your head, sighing deeply. "Lucifer, my birthday is on Christmas Day." He furrowed his eyebrows, and you elaborated. "'s hard to celebrate both together when you're alone."
"Well, you're not alone," he stated, standing and pulling you with him. "So we're celebrating both. Together. Okay?"
You smiled, nodding. "I'd like that."

You shifted, unable to stop smiling despite Lucifer's hands over your eyes. "Are we there yet?" you asked.
"Almost, darling," Lucifer replied. "Just a moment longer."
You licked your lips, taking a deep breath when suddenly his hands were gone.
You blinked for a moment, before looking over the small table scene. There were two plates, two glasses beside a chilling bottle of champagne, a small cake with flickering candles on it, a small container of chocolate ice cream, and two small presents wrapped in birthday paper.
You gasped, looking back at Lucifer, a wide grin on his face. "Happy birthday, darling."

You let out a soft breath, reaching over the table and intertwining Lucifer's hand in yours. "Thank you," you said, smiling widely. "This was...perfect."
"I'm glad," he replied, leaning down to kiss your hand. "You deserve it all." You blushed, but squeezed his hand. "Besides, the night is not over yet."
He nodded, laughing at your furrowed eyebrows as he pulled you up, standing in front of you. "Your birthday is over, but Christmas is still here."
"What do you—" Your words trailed off as in the blink of an eye you were not standing in your apartment. You looked up at a cabin, your breath forming little puffs of mist. You ran to a window and peaked inside, gasping as you saw a roaring fireplace, candles lit around the room, stockings hanging from the mantel, and a large, full Christmas tree in the corner, with presents underneath it.
"Oh, Lucifer," you whispered, looking back at him.
He smiled, coming forward to stand next to you. "Merry Christmas."
You blinked the tears out of your eyes, smiling. "It's the best Christmas yet," you whispered, standing on your tiptoes and melting in his kiss.

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