Cedric Diggory

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IMAGINE: Watching the stars with Cedric Diggory and kissing him for the first time.
You had just learnt a lot of his life, from his childhood to his future plans. You were in awe of his beauty and the passion he used to talk about his dreams. He instantly looked up to the stars.
''Hey, y/n! Make a wish!'' he said like a child.
You didn't really ask for a wish, you just enjoyed his presence next to yours, so warm and comfortable
''Did you thought about that modern house you said before?'' you asked him.
''Oh wait, don't tell me! Or your wish won't come true!'' you giggled.
''Oh, but I can whisper it...'' he said. He got close to you in matter of seconds, so when you turned your head to him, his lips met yours. And it was the most warm, beautiful, slow, passionate and perfect kiss you had experienced before.

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