Misha Collins

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"Dean, talk to me. I'm right here, just reach out baby" Jensen rose from his seat with determination and lust in his eyes. He set his empty scotch bottle on the wooden table creating a hollowed sound which echoed deafeningly in Bobby's silent home.
Jensen stopped at his mark which was situated right in front of you and he gently caressed your flushed cheek. You bit your lip remembering it was part of the script.
"All we do is talk" Jensen growled before his lips attached to yours and they molded with each other. You moaned into his mouth aware the cameras were still rolling and Jensen lifted you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist.
You realised this part wasn't in the script but Jensen trailed his kisses from your lips down to your neck and you pulled your neck back for further access. You kept with his improvisation deciding to add a few off your own touches.
"Hmmm Dean" You moaned once more and Jensen delicately bit into your skin leaving some bruises there. His lips now hovered yours and his candy green apple eyes stared into yours.
"I love you baby girl" His husky voice filled the room and you kissed him in response.
"Really? Prove it" You giggled continuously when Jensen licked your face causing you to break character. You heard Bob yell cut and Jensen set you down onto your feet.
"Dammit Jensen, that was such a good take" One of your interns passed you a wet towel and you wiped your face seeing some makeup came off along with it. You looked up to see your lipstick was smeared all over his face and you wiped his slightly swollen lips with the same towel.
"Hey not my fault, your jealous boyfriend was giving me the bitch eyes." Jensen pointed over behind you and you saw Misha's stern face as he was re watching the take. You lifted your hand and waved at him while he simply looked away and walked in another direction.
"Look's like you got baby Misha on your hands. Kiss ya later." You flipped Jensen off and he smiled cheekily. You walked away from him and towards your cold poker faced angel acting boyfriend. You saw him at the snack table grabbing some food so you decided to surprise him by wrapping your arms around his waist.
"Hey baby, what's wrong?" You cooed sweetly.
"wow... now I'm baby" He mumbled under his breath which you weren't able to comprehend.
"Miiisha. What's wrong?" you jumped beside him blocking his path. He sighed and put his plate down on the table before facing you.
"Why don't you ask your baby, Dean?" He mocked you by speaking in the flirtatious tone you used earlier. Your eyes widened in surprise when the jealousy left his lips. You giggled slightly which annoyed him further and he started to walk away.
"Missshhiii stop!" You pulled his wrist and he turned around with a sullen expression. "wait let me get this straight...are you jealous of Dean Winchester? a fictional character on our TV show?" You tried to reason with him and he stared past you avoiding your eyes.
"No" He doubtfully denied. He pried his wrist out of your grip and began to walk away until you guys exited the set of bobby, Jim Beavers home.
"You so are" You called out while you followed his trail to what you guessed was his trailer.
"AM NOT" he called back. You were now in his trailer and he sat on one of the couches while you stood by the entrance.
"Fine, so you don't care if Jensen wraps his strong arms around me tightly while his pink soft lips mold with mine?" You spoke tauntingly and you saw Misha's chest rise up and down while his nostrils slightly flared.
"no." He replied without breaking your gaze.
"Huh, really now? So you don't care when his hands trace my every curve on my body while my legs are wrapped around his waist?" You walked towards Misha and sat on his lap while his hands were on your hips.
"Cause you know, even though Jensen gets to pretend kiss me, he is nothing compared to my angel. Wanna know why?" You dipped your head and began kissing Misha's neck slowly and pacefully.
"Why?" You could hear his rumbled voice break, mostly due to the requirements Castiel has. You felt his Adam's apple bob up and down along with the slight moan from his lips.
"Because my angel is mine and I'm his." You kissed his lips gently and your fingers scratched the side of his head. "His crystal blue eyes remind me of staring at the sun while underwater" You stared into his eyes and kissed his nose.
"There's is no limitation of kindness with my angel. His heart" You kissed his chest. " His heart is made of pure gold and more" Misha held your head between his hands and flipped you around so you were now on the couch while he was ontop of you.
"My angel has the beauty of a thousand gods and he is my entire world" Misha bent down and his slightly dry lips progressively became wet along with yours. After a while you were out of breath and you pulled apart while Misha gazed lovingly in your eyes, forgetting all about your scene with Jensen.
"You're beautiful, Y/N" He whispered sweetly while you smiled affectionately.
"youre not so bad yourself" He kissed your forehead and he climbed off you and pulled you on top of him.
"That's the problem, you're too beautiful. I'm not talking about looks but your nature too. I mean youre amazing, sometimes I think you're just a heavenly dream I have but i haven't woken up yet." He paused for a second and you kept tracing patterns on his chest.
"So when I see other guys flirting with you or when they go off script, I don't get mad at you, or them. I get mad at myself, knowing you're way too perfect for me ." You saw the struggle in his eyes and your heart pained. You never saw yourself as perfect, in fact you always believed Misha was too perfect for you.
"Wanna know something funny?" Misha hummed.
"I always thought you were too perfect for me. Remember, Erica?The chick who played, Hannah? Well, I wanted to peel her face off when she kissed you in that scene but then I realised I was the one who would hold your hand at the end of the day, not her" You saw Misha's eyes widen in surprise at your confession.
"Wow... I mean I know i'm irresistible but face peeling, Y/N?" You slapped him playfully as he chuckled.
"You're right. Jensen gets to have you for 50 minutes, I get you forever." You were about to kiss him again until your left pocket began to vibrate. You pulled it out seeing a new message received from Jensen and Jared.
From: JayA
We got another smoochin scene, get your sweet ass down here so I can make sweet PG13 love to ya. (Misha's reading this right, if not then this is really awkward )
From: JayP
You looked up at Misha who began texting Jensen from his phone.
To: Jensen Assckles
Hey why was Y/N cringing and saying you were a disgusting pervert?
Misha sent the message immediately and you began to laugh as your phone was flooded by Jensen apologising profusely.
From: JayA
You heard Misha's deep chuckle and you rolled your eyes.
To JayA
Hahaha chill , Misha's being a dick. Be there in 2.
You got up and fixed your messed up hair. Misha whined at the lack of warmth and you kissed his forehead. You saw him getting up to follow you and you put your hand on his chest.
"You sure you wanna come? Jay and I are gonna be... you know?" You suggested and he stroked your arms.
"It's okay" He peacefully said.
"It is?" You questioned surprisingly.
"Yeah, because at the end of the day, I get to hold your hand...not him" He kissed your temple and walked down and out of his trailer.
"You comin or what?" And in that moment another thing was added to your list about your angel. You were proud of him, too.

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